Chapter 1

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The forest was dark, fog slowly rolling through the trees and shrubbery. An owl hooted in the distance, before taking flight into the clear night sky. A cool breeze rustled the leaves, hardly phasing the boy that walked through the spooky scenery. It only moved the chestnut brown hair that stuck out from the blue hood of his orange-brown hoodie. The moonlight shone on his orange goggles; which were currently shielding his chocolate brown eyes.

Ticci Toby had just been sent out on a mission, even though he had just returned from another one. His boss had told him of a supposed conspiracy theorist that wanted to prove his existence to the world. Something that his boss didn't want to face, so he was sent out straight away.

-Be careful- A deep voice in the male's head said, -This mission will be different from the others-

"H-How so...?" The boy stuttered, his head ticking to the side.

-Well for starters, you won't be killing anyone-

Toby gave a small, uncontrolled chuckle, "Wh-Why?"

-Someone is looking into the legend of Slenderman, if they are murdered, it would raise suspicion-

That made sense. The twitching boy nodded slowly, silently agreeing with his boss. Slenderman was known as a mythical legend, a scary story to the world, and that's the way he liked it. He could kill whoever he pleased; and no one would guess it was him.

However, if they killed someone who was looking into proving their existence...

-For now, we'll just be removing whatever information they have found, hopefully they get the idea straight away and stop. If they don't... We'll go from there-

"G-Got it bo-oss." The boy mumbled, before finally breaking from the thick forest.

He came to a small dead-end street. The road was stopped by two signs saying 'road ends here', the grass having grown up around the poles, as if trying to strangle the warnings. The street itself looked suburban enough, with decent sized houses all containing a small front yard and fenced backyards.

-It's the house on the end to your right- Slender's voice boomed in Toby's head, -The person you are after is (Y/N) (L/N), she's the youngest in a family of four, so keep an eye out for her older brother, her mother and... Her father-

"Ye-ep..." He started towards the one-story house, ignoring the strange tone he sensed in Slenderman's voice at the mention of this girl's father.

He palmed his hatchets as he reached the fence, glancing around the area to make sure no one could see him, before dropping the two small weapons over the white wooden panels. Once he was over it himself, he picked the weapons up again and walked towards the side of the house.

"S-So..." Toby mumbled to himself, "What-t's gonna ha-appen with that g-girl...?"

-The one Laughing Jack brought back?-

"Y-Yeah... She's lost her mem-memory prett-ty bad..."

-I will sort it out, so it's none of your concern. Focus on your mission-

"A-Aight boss..." He gave another uncontrolled chuckle, before making his way to a wide window, where he saw an older lady cooking dinner. She had to be in her late 40s, with (h/c) hair that was starting to grey, and (e/c) eyes that seemed dull. She looked like she hadn't slept for decades.

Realising this was the kitchen, he hurried towards the back of the house, where he glanced into what he assumed was a room. The light, slightly see-through curtains showed a boy, probably in his early twenties, sitting on a single bed and reading what looked like a novel. The dirty clothes and posters of models and bands told Toby the guy was clearly not ready to live on his own, or he was just lazy.

Another chuckle later, and Toby moved on to the next window, which wasn't giving off as much light as the others. Upon looking into it, the boy found out why. It was the girl's room, her light was off and she was sitting in front of her laptop.

For the first time in forever, Toby felt himself go still. His shaking and ticking stopped momentarily as he took in the girl's features. Her (h/c) hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, revealing only part of her face. The light from the laptop made her look pale, as if she was a ghost, but her (e/c) eyes looked full of life and wonder as they skimmed over whatever article she was reading.

From what he could see, the girl was chewing on her lip. As if deep in concentration. Her hand started moving, and Toby realised she was writing notes. A big scribble of Slender's Operator symbol was drawn on the bottom corner. He blinked, before slowly breathing out. He hadn't realised he was even holding his breath, let alone why he would be.

-Stay focused- Slenderman's voice floated into his mind, -Remember what you're here to do-

He nodded slowly, before turning his attention to the room. His brown eyes widened at the notes that were stuck to the wall, the scribbles that covered the desk, the stray papers that were spread out on the floor, question marks and circles drawn on them. Red string hung from the roof, only wrapped around one thumbtack. There were notebooks on her bed, some opened, and others stuffed with God knows what.

Boy, she was obsessed.

You'd think she'd have enough information by now.

Toby leant closer to the window to try and get a better view, but after misjudging how close he was, his goggles tapped on the glass. He ducked under the windowsill straight away, having seen the girl start to turn around. Footsteps told him that she was making her way to the closed window.

Toby was cursing to himself in his mind, the yard being mostly empty, there was nowhere for him to hide. What a big fuckup.

"(Y/N)!" A voice yelled, and he heard the footsteps come to a halt, "Dinner is ready!"

A moment of silence, and then a sigh and the footsteps started the other way. Toby heard a door open, and the footsteps slowly disappeared. Cautiously, he checked the room to find it empty, before he tried opening the window. It didn't budge.

Great, it must be locked. He stood, holding onto the windowsill, before he saw the old rickety lock. The boy blinked, before shaking it slightly, and hearing the clink of the lock coming free. A lop-sided smirk appeared under his mask as he lifted the window, slipping into the paper-covered room.

Wedging the window open with one of his axes, Toby froze when he heard the sound of growling behind him. Slowly turning, he found a golden retriever standing behind him, it's ears perked in warning as it gave a small gruff.

Toby raised his hands, before holding them out for the dog to smell; it's tail started wagging, and he licked at the ticking boy's gloves.

"Sh-Shh..." He said quietly, patting the dog on the head, "G-G-Good dog..."

The fluffy furball gave a happy whine, lifting it's front paws up onto Toby's arms. The boy stumbled back slightly, but otherwise held the large animal. A collar around the dog's neck read 'Harry' in bright blue.

"H-Hey Harry..." Toby gave a chuckle, and the dog, satisfied with the new friend, jumped off the intruder and went back to laying under the girl's desk. He watched the dog yawn, before he rested his head on his paws and closed his eyes. Harry clearly wasn't here as a guard dog.

-Toby- A warning flashed through his mind and he shook his head.

"R-R-Ri-ight..." The ticking boy turned his goggled gaze back to the room, "L-Letsss ge-et to worrrk..."

Hey My Little Creepers,

Here is the first chapter, I really hope you like it!

See you next chapter!

RJ Out!!!

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