*The face behind the mask 2.0*

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A reminder for those who forgot the character looks:
Gloria - half ghoul with Rinkaku, 'Crazed Scarface'.
Victor- half ghoul with Bikaku, 'Elegant Rogue'
Hop- Rank 2 investigator
Marnie- ghoul with chimera Kagune of Rinkaku and Bikaku, 'Nightmare'

Also I'm so sorry for the inactive ness! I was really busy with school all until everything is cancelled so, yeah.

'Shite it is looking at me ugly ass,' Gloria internally panicked and she could feel herself sweat in the mask, 'Disgasteng'

"You might as well jump down 'ere, I see ya." The ghoul with a gas mask like mask speak with an altered voice, Gloria notes it sounds cool.

Gloria took it as a signal that she should go down there before her heads gets eaten, literally. So she quickly stood up, shaking her numb legs and quickly jumped down from a not so tall building into the dark area. When she looks back up to the ghoul, she was gone.

"Ey? Where did ya go?" Gloria looks around a bit frantically because she doesn't not want to be a dinner today.

"Here." Gloria hears the quiet voice to her right, it was camouflaging almost perfectly to the shadow, only the piercing red eyes looking straight at her. "I thought you halfies have better senses than us. Seems to not be the case."

"Oi! I'm not that bad!" Gloria stomps her feet and pouts beneath her mask.

"Yeah, right." It rolls it's eyes in a sarcastic manner, it seems that it does not plan to kill Gloria or be a threat, for now.

But simultaneously, Gloria and the figure turned their heads to an open alleyway, echoing footsteps heading their way. But only the footsteps of two people.

"...So which ghouls are we fighting today brother?" A familiar voice immediately alarms Gloria.

'Oh mah god, now? Seriously Hop?' Gloria thought as she thinks Hop has the worst coincidence timing in the world.

"Well, this is an A-rated ghoul we are dealing with Hop. So keep your eyes open for anything." Leon's voice follows to answer Hop.

With each sound coming closer and closer, Gloria could see the ghoul was thinking about wether to rest their hunt now or leave, but she had to lead it away from Hop somehow.

"Hey pal, why don't we just scram right now, ye tired?" Gloria casually says, hoping the ghoul listens to her.

"...Sure, I am tired anyway." The ghoul appears to sigh in her mask, "I'm guessin' you're not from here." The ghoul presumed.

"Uhh, ye, I kinda have no where to go." Gloria rubber the back of her head embarrassed, the footsteps are getting closer.

"Follow me, if I can trust you and you trust me." The ghoul shows its hands, small hands Gloria notes, and soft when she takes it compared to her own blood stained hands.

"We better be friends after this adventure." Gloria jokes but is soon being dragged along by the Ghoul into a small alley that leads to many twists and turns.

This ghoul seems to be fast too.

It was quite a while until they got into another spacious area that they were in before, the footsteps sounds are dead now, and the ghoul leads Gloria into what appears to be a safe house rather than a home.

She walks inside and looks around as the Ghoul appears to be standing at a nearby table for a minute so she walks a bit past her then.

"Thanks a lot mate, I really do owe..." Gloria turns around as she saw the Ghoul remove her mask, closing her eyes and removing its hood at the same time. Then the Ghoul turns her face to Gloria with the green-blue eyes that stood out like her red Kougan before, her black hair with an interesting shaved part on the left side of her head into a spike pattern and two pig tails that curls and.... cute lips.

'Oh shite she's cute', Gloria thinks and quickly brushes it away.

"Wanna take off your mask too? This isn't my home as you can tell but around here, there's a lot of these places that all Ghouls can go to." She explains, the weird voice no longer there.

"Oh uh ye." Gloria stumbles to take her mask off and ruffles her hair a bit to get rid of some tangles. She didn't notice the other girl was scanning her face as she took her robe off.

Then something in Gloria's head popped up.

"Oh mah god I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Gloria, a half ghoul as you somehow guessed." Gloria sheepishly introduces herself with an outstretched hand.

"I'm Marnie, a ghoul as you know, nothin' interesting about me." Marnie says back with a cool exterior. "I'm goin' to wash first then you can go too." And she does shakes Gloria hands, but her expression unchanging.

"Ah, ok." Gloria smiles back anyway and sees Marnie walk off upstairs in the small safe house. Then she immediately jumped onto a coach.

"Well, what the hell am I actually doing?"

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