Streaming in Alola

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Technically a carry on request from Minutemoon but an actual stream being featured, got a bit carried away with character interactions 😂

"Hello everyone!" Marnie waves to the camera she is holding after it streamed for a few seconds for the fans to join, "Right now, I am in Alola and it is dead hot here."

"She got that right." Bede nods in agreement with her, out of the frame but people recognised his voice.

HattereneVibe : THATS BEDE MY SHIP

"Interestin'." Marnie reads the message with no emotions, "I only see him as an annoyin' rival so sorry to sink ye ship."

"Ouch," Hop says while pinching Bede really hard.

"Ow!" Bede yelps and jumps. "Hey! Get back here you!-"

Marnie watches Bede chase Hop down the streets of Alola and just ignored them for now.

"Anyway, yeah, Hop and Bede are doin' their own stuff right now." Marnie carries on, flipping the camera around to show some of the beaches and how pretty the shells are.

"Oh! There's a pink one!" Marnie walks over to the pretty pink coral-shaped shell in the sand, she puts the camera to the side on a blanket and had a look at the shell. "It's-"

"Cute like you." Gloria smoothly walks into the camera frame, completely unaware of the stream happening.

Marnie's face went ballistic red but she turned away from the camera and pretended she was coughing, nudging Gloria hardly.

While Gloria is obnoxiously loud and crude at times, she is very perceptive to people's body language, which does help her in how to annoy the hell out of people, and sees the way Marnie is looking away at a particular thing. So she turns to where a shining lens of a camera was and... tried to play it off.

"And a flustered Marnie appears!" Gloria cheekily grinned, that little sly fox.

SuperMarnieFan : I think my heart stopped.

Ninjaboi : You ok?

SuperMarnieFan : no

I'm so sorry for such a delay! I'm really busy in rl at the moment so updates will be slow and chapters may even be shorter.

I am also thinking about continuing the Fire Emblem book I made before and maybe a new one since it's sort of stuck on to a certain universe.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy and sorry again!

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