*The Face behind the Mask*

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Tokyo ghoul au and a few character notes to start. (The characters will be around 16-17 NOT BECAUSE I'm ageing them for no reason, but because ghouls usually independently hunt instead of their parents so it would make more sense in a way IF the parents are not dead yet).

Gloria and Victor: Twins and are both half ghouls, protected from the CCG by Sonia's intervention in changing data.
Gloria: Red Rinkaku and can make up to 6 tails. She can make the metallic like spikes come out from the tip in all directions, making cuts very dirty.
Nicknamed 'Crazed Scarface' , due to the amount of scars she caused on people.
Victor: Blue Bikaku, can make up to 2 tails, it can be detachable as traps.
Nicknamed 'Elegant Rogue', due to the clean kills he does but with sneaky tactics.

Hop: Rank 2 Investigator, knows the twins are ghouls but are friends with them.
Usually uses a sword-like quinque

Leon: Special Class Investigator, does not know the twins are ghouls and is the most deployed Investigator in CCG.
Uses all sorts of Quinques, sometime people just throw him one

Sonia: Scientist for Ghouls, changes the twins data as she knew them when they were children.

Marnie: A Ghoul nicknamed 'Nightmare'.
Has a chimera Kagune of Rinkaku and Bikaku. The Bikaku is pink and the Rinkaku are very dark red.
Can make up to 4 Rinkaku that have mouths with fangs, can make 1 Bikaku with a knife on the end that curves a bit.
These mutations are due the increasing attacks from Doves in Spikemuth. So many resort to cannibalism.

Piers: A Ghoul Nicknamed 'Phantom'
Has a black Bikaku Kagune, can make up to 3 tails that can rc-cell burst and is detachable.

Warning, there may be blood scenes ahead.

Gloria was wearing her usual mask, a wicked smile on the front, going from cheek to cheek - reminds her of the Cheshire Cat- with no eyes to add on the creepy factor she wants.
All around the dark streets of Spikemuth.

Why was she there?

An easy answer, it's because there are many investigators there who would actually be fun to play with and be absolutely delicious to devour.

Her brother, Victor, tried to talk her out of her outrageous idea of making her life more 'exciting'. Even going as far as sparring her to stay back in Potswick. But of course it was futile due to their equal strengths and Gloria's persistence to leave. So he lets her go but she promises to come back to Potswick every now and then, that she can agree with.

Spikemuth was quiet, almost too quiet for this moment in time. She kept all of her senses on alert but of course, enjoying the new place around her and she did not forget to tell Sonia and Hop about her moving around Galar, maybe missing out on the part where she wanted fun.

Gloria looks at a particular figure that seems to be walking towards her in the street so she squints her eyes behind the mask, her Kougan appearing, and sees the person with a suitcase that smelt of rotten flesh. That stench of smell was recognised immediately by Gloria as Ghoul's flesh are a horrendous food to ever be eaten. Only if she can just jump away and brew some coffee quickly but the person already saw her, free snack she thinks.

She sees the person to start running, his white cloak flowing behind him magnificently and open the suitcase with the button on its handle, a huge lance with a massive tip that is twice his height and he throws it like a professional athletes straight at Gloria.

But Gloria was not that stupid, so she stepped to the side and it misses her.

She conjured out her six Kagune, all pulsating with hunger and immediately stabs the Investigator by almost half a mile away, also dragging him back to Gloria.

"...c..crazed..." He sputters our blood, his lungs were clearly punctured by one of the six Kagune.

"Yeh yeh I know, Crazed Scarface or whatever ye Pigeons call meh." Gloria scoffs, the mask providing a different voice as she speaks.

When she finished speaking, she felt the man go limp on her Kagune and she sighs with disappointment.

"..well that was bloody boring." Gloria said, proceeding to rip the corpse's body apart into smaller pieces, enjoying the droplets blood splashing onto her mask.

As it seeps through the gaps and she licks the blood, it tasted divine, as she had not ate for the past month, the taste of human blood was so addicting that she was not surprised when some ghouls would become binge eaters very easily. Not that she was one because she only kills the Doves or a stupid human usually.

She proceeded to carry most of the corpse in six parts and hid away in one of the alleyways of Spikemuth, it was good that there's a lot of them.

Finally, dark and concealed, Gloria lifts her mask from her head and began eating the flesh off of the, probably rank nothing Dove, with no mercy, hungrily tearing off strings of muscle from the bones and blood staining her clothes, face, mask, she didn't care. She really needed to eat after a while and with the size of this man, this would be enough to last her another month with no food, tastier than normal humans too with the extra muscle.

Ignoring how loud she was being with the squelching of flesh being chewed on and blood dripping all over the floor, her ears picked up on the screaming a of humans from a distance.
She was done with her meal anyway so she left the corpse there and puts her mask back on to investigate whatever show someone was putting on.

After going through a few turns, she finally saw the entertaining show, a ghoul with a half gas-mask like mask with parts of the mask being lined with metal. Both of the ghoul's eyes were Kougan activated and Gloria could see the trembling in the group of Doves surrounding her, possible Rank 2 or 1 Investigators.

Gloria decided to hide while watching from a distance to see whatever is going on and why the big guys were scared of a ghoul clearly smaller than themselves.

Well, Gloria gulps when she waiting a couple seconds when she saw four terrifying and monstrous Kagune slither from her back, the Kagune was also slightly bigger than Gloria's own Kagune which interested her and she saw the ghoul's eye glow red for a moment before it annihilated with a blood shower in the streets in seconds.

She saw how the Kagune opens its mouth and detaches the Doves head right off and eats it with ease before resuming to eat the rest of the body. How there was no blood on the ghoul somehow, it's face never changing or eye squinting at anytime, it simply stands there as a massacre is taking place, 10 deaths already done. How even Gloria is feeling the shivers of doom on her doorstep, and this is unusual for her.

Not even 5 minutes past and all that's left is some torn bodies on the ground and blood splattered all over the floor and walls. Only if Gloria could get a small snack down there, cause you know, free kills?

She ticks her head to the side before standing up when she was lying down on the roof, only to meet the ghoul's eye looking directly at her.


Part two will be written so don't worry about this kind of cliffhanger!

I have released a new story called Road to Victory! Go check it out if you have time at all!

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