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Thank you for being interested in this book.

Just a quick word I promise I won't take too long.

This book will follow the story of the a certain way that is.

We will still get from point A to point B but the middle will be a little bit different.

In this story, in case you still didn't get it from the synopsis, Mina will start to remember her life as Ilona. And this event will change certain scenes (and add new ones), but I will try to be as faithful to the show as I can.

This story will be told by Mina's POV. Yes, the story will follow her version of events, since she is the one remembering her past life and we will see how those memories will affect her actions and the course of this story.

Every chapter will be named accordingly with the title of each episode of the tv serie.

I hope you like this new take on this story.

I loved the series and I was very sad when it was announced it was canceled and we wouldn't get a second season. If you haven't seen it, you should definitely consider watching it.


Thank for reading and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the book!

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