Shocking discoveries

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Connor POV

Things since Skylar and I have mated had been moving quickly. School is going good, our bond is strong and Eric and I are almost to the point where I want to mate with him so now that things are going well in my life, I am focusing more on finding Sam. Skylar thinks about him a lot and is worried about him so I went to dad and we discussed where the search is at but coming up with nothing locally so he is going to extend the search state wide and into other states so hopefully we get some news so I can put Skylars's mind at ease.

I walk into my bedroom to tell him the news to find him and Eric in the bathroom, Eric throwing up in the toilet and Skylar trying to comfort him. I rush in and stand by them and wondering why he's sick when suddenly I felt myself get sick which isn't unusual giving my health so I throw up in the shower since Eric is at the toilet.

"What's wrong?" I asked when Eric was done.

"I have no idea, he woke up and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. He is also a little warm so I think we should go see your uncle to find out what's wrong, with both of you." Skylar said and I nodded.

"Uncle Jaylen, I'm going to bring Eric in, he's throwing up and Skylar said he's a little warm. He just started getting sick and I also got sick." I told my uncle through the mind link.

"Ok Connor I'll be ready for you both." He replied and I nodded and Skylar picked Eric up after he was done washing his mouth and carried his weak body to the clinic with me beside them. We walk in and Skylar takes him to a room and lays him on the bed and uncle Jaylen sits on a chair and looks at Eric and I.

"Eric, I'm going to ask you some questions and we'll go from there alright?" He asked and Eric agreed.

"Ok, since you went into heat, did you mate with Connor or Skylar?"

"Yes, Skylar only once and my heat was gone."

"Ok, did you use protection?"

"No I didn't think about that, I just wanted the pain to go away."

"Ok, before today, have you felt any tenderness in your chest, belly, gotten light headed, feeling tired?"

"Yes, to all that. Also I'm really horny all the time."

"Alright, I want you to lay back and lift your shirt for me please." Eric laid down and Skylar lifted his shirt for him and we took his hands as uncle Jaylen set up un ultrasound machine and Skylar looked at me and we smiled, figuring out what is wrong with our mate.

As they were doing this, I thought of the questions and oddly enough, I feel the same way.

Uncle Jaylen puts gel on Eric's belly and puts the wand on him and the room fills with sounds of two strong fast heartbeats.

"Yes this confirms it, you are pregnant with twins. You are about a month along so we can't tell the sex yet but congratulations, all of you. Who is the biologic father?"

"Skylar." Eric and I answered and uncle Jaylen smiled.

"Way to go big man! You got some strong shooters there!"

"Uncle Jaylen, check me out to please." I said and he looked at me shocked.

"You mean you...?" He stutters out and I only nod and we do the same as what he did with Eric.

"I see one, Connor. Wow I'm speechless and so happy for you, I know it had to be a big step for you to do this. I just wonder why you are pregnant when your an Alpha." He wondered and I knew the answer so I sighed and looked at him.

"I think and I don't know how but I think my wolf is becoming an omega. With everything that has happened you know he wasn't that strong or big in the first place and since Skylar was the dominant one when we mated, I think Goren decided that he wants to be submissive to Skylar and has started to become an omega. I have no idea how but if this is the plan the moon goddess has for us, so be it. We can't control what she does so why be mad about it? You know I was never really going to be Alpha, I can't lead people the way I'm supposed to and I think she knew and that's fine with me. I know Skylar will be an amazing Alpha, human or not." After I was done talking they all looked at me stunned.

"I don't think Skylar is human." Dad said making us jump since we didn't know he was at the door.

"I'm not human, what do you mean?"

"I feel a strong power coming from you, I felt it some after you mated with them but as the month passed, it has gotten stronger and I think that is why Goren is becoming submissive because you somehow have a massive power and I think also, you are a werewolf. There isn't a way to know for sure until you find a way to unlock that power. There is a story going back to when you were a baby that a child from a small country was taken, a wolf prince and hasn't been found yet. His family has been searching for him but they believe his name was changed and raised with humans and if that's true, the boy wouldn't know of his powers or being a wolf. The story goes once the boy discovers his powers, his wolf will awaken and he will be the most powerful wolf in history." Dad explains and Skylar looks at us as we look at him.

"You don't think it's me, do you?" He asked us.

"It's very possible Skylar. Given the power  I feel and you getting an Alpha pregnant when it is very unlikely he can have kids, I'd say yes, it could possibly be you." Dad said and Skylar shakes his head and sighs.

"Looks like I need to have a conversation with my father's."

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