Posedanto de scio

15 3 13

 The next morning Leo woke up with stomachache. He grunted. Maybe he shouldn't have eaten the entire platter with quiche. Or the last two bowls of onion soup, or the three before that.

But he couldn't help himself, he loved french food. And he had been really hungry.

After he took a shower and got dressed he decided it would maybe be wise to skip breakfast just this once. Very regretful, but necessary.

Leo took out his watch and put it on. He took a few moments to take a good look at it. It was a Bellana made by a very good watchmaker in 1952. An honorable man and a good friend for many years who had passed away some time ago in 1999. The watch was decorated with flat white crystals and a few red ones on the indicator that currently pointed just before the golden lines of the seven.


He was late! He had agreed to meet with James at seven punctual! James was rigid like that. Cursing in french Leo quickly put on his jacket and made his way over to the door. He tried to open it, but it was still locked. Of course it was! Hastily he tried to find the keys and after two more minutes of messing around he found them. Now he had only three minutes left to get to the meeting point!

He slid over the smooth floor of his shop to the doors and opened it. Outside he only just remembered to lock the door behind him before he started running.


Wide eyed Luna looked at the man running passed her. She had been watching his shop from her spot in the alley. Apart from the few hours she had slept on the plane on her way over here she hadn't been able to sleep. After staying awake for an entire night she had just gathered enough of her courage to be ready for when he would come out. Or at least so she thought. Now that she saw him again the doubts came back and she was frozen.

Luna took a deep breath. She could do this. All the training in diplomatic and how to defend herself wouldn't be for nothing. She had to do this. She just had to shove away all her fears and focus on the task that lay ahead of her.

For now that was finding the chief vampire and since this guy was the first vampire she had seen so far that meant following him. It would've been so much easier if she could just go to the vampire mansion outside the city that was sure to be there, but you couldn't find those unless you had been there before or if someone who had access to it invited you.

In the distance Luna could just make out the bordeaux red fabric of the suit the vampire was wearing. If she wanted to catch up with him she would have to hurry.

Reluctantly she also started running.

While running Luna tried to focus on her breathing. Anything to distract her from thinking to much.

If she wouldn't distract herself she would start thinking, about all the things that could possibly go wrong. She wanted to avoid that at all cost. She had to avoid thinking that she was so weak in comparison to the vampire she was following. He was super fast and strong. He had fangs, that could bury themselves in her flesh faster than she could blink. He could grab her, look at her with those fascinating golden eyes and then suck her dry. And all she would be able to do was stand there! Frozen by the fear of the creature in front of her.

Luna's breath sped up and she started running faster. Dammit! How was she supposed to think about not thinking that?

Made she should stop thinking about him as a vampire?

She focused on the red suit she was following. She was closer now and she felt a wave of triumph flow through her. She was running faster than the vam...man! He wasn't running at his fastest, he couldn't since there were people around, but it still made her feel like she had accomplished something.

Live & Learn (ONC 2020)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora