Manhandled - Derek Morgan

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There it was again, that all too familiar shudder of excitement.

You watched as the larger man wrestled a wriggling, unkempt suspect to the ground, yelling at him to calm down and stay still to make it easier for the both of them.

There was something about watching Agent Morgan manhandle unsubs that riled you up, not that you'd ever admit it openly on the field.

It was hard trying to keep the physical effects discreet whilst surrounded by the team, you had to nibble on your lip discreetly and try not to make the shuffling of your feet too obvious to those around you.

But man it was hard.

Though seeing as you worked with a team of profilers, you doubted that your secret was being well hidden.

They always seemed to just know, which at times could be infuriating.

Not that you could help lusting over a co-worker, especially one as built as Derek Morgan.

You watched as Morgan pulled the suspect to his feet and shoved him towards the nearest police car, telling him to shut it every time the man yelled some kind of protest or threat.

Oh, how you loved it when he did that.

When he got stern with people was amazing, you'd always imagine just what it'd be like to have him commanding you in the bedroom.

His dark eyes staring at you as he smirked and told you where and how he wanted you, the curse of having a submissive side could always have the greatest advantages.

The thought of being manhandled by Morgan had led to many fun nights, even if you were alone when they happened, just the sheer images created from your fantasies led to most mind blowing of self-inflicted pleasure.

You just needed to find a way to coax him over and put a plan of seduction and lure into action.

Sure, you'd flirt with him in the bullpen, but so would Garcia so it wasn't anything particularly out of the ordinary for him.

So far he'd always taken it as jesting, he was probably so accustomed to men and women alike flirting with him that now he'd barely bat an eyelid at the smallest of cheeky smiles.

Though you had noticed that he'd stopped his own flirting with other people when the team went out for drinks together, he'd stick by their table even if someone came along and asked him for a dance.

That led to the smallest bit of hope to rise in your chest.

Was this perhaps a sign that he was willing to spend more time with you than purely during the periods of being in the office, on a case or the social nights out.

It seemed a little foolish to hope, but you couldn't help yourself from letting it happen a little.

You smiled as Morgan walked over, dusting off the dirt from his grapple on the ground.

"He sure wasn't going down without a fight," he laughed, eyes lighting up a little.

"For a little guy he sure had some moves," you smiled with a nod of agreement.

"Well, they never stay down for long."

"You really think that's our guy?"

Morgan shrugged, sparing a glance towards the car that was now pulling away.

"I hope so, if not then the sick bastard could claim another girl while we're interrogating that guy."

"True," You sighed. "I hope it is too, for that reason but also because I'd really like to go home, this case is draining me."

"Not too much I hope."

"Why is that? Wanted to do it yourself?"

They both looked at each other slyly, a flirtatious smile on your lips as he chuckled with an amused grin of his own.

"What if I did?"

"Then I might be tempted to try and stay awake a little longer."

Morgan raised a curious eyebrow, nodding his approval.

"I think you just want to be manhandled," he laughed, giving you a brief once over before heading back to one of the black SUVs the team had traveled.

"What? No!" You yelled after him, feigning innocence despite the large grin that you couldn't hide while walking over to join him.

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