Our Little Quirks - Autistic Male Crush

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(This just happened to coincide with Autism Awareness Week, so that's funny.
I understand that particulars in autism vary severely but this is based mostly on my experiences living with my youngest brother who is autistic and an absolutely wonderful guy.
Love you Thomas.)

This was a big move for both of us, though most likely bigger on his part.

We had been dating for nearly two years, known each other for four and had finally made the decision to take the next big step and move into our own place. A huge step that had concerned us both greatly, what with having to adapt to one another's lifestyles and making compromises.

Well, it was really his place and I moved my stuff into it to make the transition easier on him, especially seeing as the big change of having someone else and their belongings around permanently to potentially mess up his order was stressful enough.

To try and ease the tension, we moved my things in slowly so they could be gradually integrated in with his belongings.

One of the things that took some getting used to as we befriended one another was his need for order, almost to the point of obsessiveness at times. He had an idea in his mind's eye of where things needed to be, this would come to include my belongings as they made their way in and found a new resting home.

Luckily, I never really had an issue with his need for things to be in certain orders, in fact, it had led to a few fun hours of decorating as we moved in together

His need for order was more intense than my naturally chaotically ordered habits but I had always been pretty open to things, being neutral to a lot of changes probably made things at least a little easier for him and I had no qualms with letting him take the lead on putting things how he liked them to be.

I wasn't too bothered when he set about an organising task, watching him go about it was always somewhat comforting in a way. Seeing him working things out through mere eye movement and slight shifts in his facial expression as he thought always fascinated me, so I had no issues with him having to reorganise the DVD's when we got a new one to add to our collection or anything similar.

When he'd first set about organising my, admittedly a bit too vast, collection of ornaments, ranging from fandom figures to random knick-knacks, we had had fun putting them, especially the Funko Pops, into a certain order.

"We should keep the ones in certain series together," I had said, looking over the collected set of soulless eyed figures.

He nodded, looking them over while falling back into his habit of rocking while standing, "But otherwise, maybe they should be set alphabetically by name?"

"Fandom name or character name?"

"I'd say character name."

I smiled and gave an affirming nod myself, "Okay, so I'll point out the names and you can set them up on the cabinet shelves, yeah?"

"Yes, I like that."

By the time we were done, my Funkos had never been more organised and put together and he looked pleased with his work.

"Now, we just need to figure out where to put the rest of my stuff," I laughed.

We had fun decorating together, there was something peaceful about making these decisions that took a lot of the stress away from such a large first step for both of us.

There was, however, one room that I wouldn't set foot into.

Much like my brother, who had a music room for him to bound around in when he needed an outlet, he had a separate room that was for him and him alone while I, in return, got a section of our new living room dedicated purely to my ever growing collection of books.

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