Easy Like A Sunday Morning - Sheriff Hassan - Midnight Mass - Request

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There wasn't a lot that Hassan looked forward to on Crockett Island, but Sunday mornings had become a quick favourite in recent months.

Although most days proved quiet, Sundays were the quietest and this was something he no longer wished to take for granted.

When he'd first arrived, he'd wake up at ridiculous hours in the morning and force a distraction, whether that be making breakfast or setting himself chores for the day, anything to get him out of bed and away from the emptiness of the space beside him.

When he'd first moved to Crockett, he had considered buying a single bed but decided that there was a positive to having the space to stretch out, even if at times he still felt like he was intruding if his arm so much as passed over the other side of the sheets.

Taking a deep breath, he rolled onto his side and gazed in a groggy-minded haze at the opposite side of the bed, still empty and cold with only the ruffled sheets to prove that anyone had been lying there.

As he lay in the silence of the bedroom, other noises filtered in from the kitchen.

The boiling of a kettle, the clatter of crockery and a soft humming that brought a small smile to his face.

She'd be coming back soon and a part of him wanted to roll back over and pretend to still be asleep, knowing how much she liked to wake him up with a surprise gesture of varying sizes, from a simple sandwich to a full meal for breakfast.

Rather than wait for her, not knowing how long she had been up and wanting to get out of bed, he threw the covers aside and got up to get dressed and brush his teeth.

As he walked into the kitchen, bare feet padding against the floor, soft music filled the air and the smell of coffee took over his senses.

She stood at the sink, scrubbing at one of the leftover plates from the night before as she sang quietly along with the song.

She hadn't noticed him walk in and that brought up a perfect opportunity.

Stepping up behind her, he slipped his arms around her waist and took hold of the sponge and plate in his own hands, making sure they were secure as she inevitably squeaked in surprise and jumped, loosening her grip.

"Hassan!" She whined, tilting her head to look at him over her shoulder. "You're supposed to still be in bed."

"Really?" He asked, his voice still rough from sleep. "I didn't know there were rules for when I'm allowed to get up."

"Well now you do, specific Sunday rules state that you must stay in bed until I give you breakfast unless something is planned for the day."

"I see, I'm sorry for breaking the unwritten rule."

"As you should be, you are sheriff after all, you should be setting an example."

"Even if I did, they wouldn't listen to me."

"Hmm, true, but I would."

He smiled and pressed a kiss to her temple before loosening his grip so that she could step away and grab the now boiled kettle.

As she half-turned, he looked at the shirt she was wearing and rose an eyebrow, unable to stop an amused smile from tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Is that an Iron Maiden shirt?"

She glanced over her should and then looked down at the shirt as if she was completely unaware of what she'd grabbed.

"Yeah, I dug it out from the back of the closet, hope you don't mind."

"No," he shook his head, putting his hands on his hips. "I'm just surprised to see it, haven't seen that since my rookie days, I almost forgot that I had it."

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