Lost in Space - Bunny Cafe Server & Male Child Reader - Request

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I was lost.

I didn't think that the place would be so big when I stepped away from the table I had sat in when I got inside, copying everyone else who had ladies coming to talk to them when they sat at a table, sometimes they would bring a tray and that made my tummy rumble.

They didn't come to me for a long time, so I shuffled back down to the floor to find someone who could help me but I was too scared to speak to any of the big, scary beings.

Instead, I wandered between tables, hoping that I would find where I was sat before anyone noticed me so that I didn't have to talk to them.

But every turn I took looked the same and the big people were getting more and more scary looking.

My breathing started to get fast as I panicked, twiddling with my fingers as tears pricked at my eyes.

Gathering up what courage I could, I stepped close to someone who was noisily eating some kind of food I didn't recognise and reached up to tug on the back of their loose suit.

My little hand had barely grasped one of the folds when they turned their attention towards me, long snout of a nose snuffling as if they were smelling me.

Leaning closer, the grunted something at me in a language I didn't understand.

I let out a small squeak of a; "Sorry," and stumbled backwards, bumping into someone who let out a surprised yelp.

There was a loud clatter from above me and I ducked down, covering my head instinctively.

I remained tucked into myself long after the noise had stopped, too afraid to look up in fear of all the eyes that would be looking at me with angry faces.

"Oh my," a soft voice said from above me, it sounded really, really nice, "is that a human child?"

Before I could uncover my eyes or lift my head, I felt myself being picked up by two hands that felt weird.

"Let's get you away from all this noise, yes?"

I didn't say anything, just felt myself being carried away but someone who had no footsteps and didn't bounce me as they walked.

On instinct, I wrapped my arms around their shoulders and my legs around their waist, finally opening my eyes to see the big eating hall disappearing as we went through a set of doors that slid closed with a hiss behind us.

"My, it is very noisy out there."

The room she had taken me too was really bright, the blue light burning my eyes a little as I was pulled away from the nice lady and set down on top of a red table.

"Well you have come a long way, little one."

I blinked a few times, my eyes getting a little bit clearer each time until I could finally see without the lights hurting.

The first thing I saw was a pair of heels, clasped onto a thin pair of legs that were dressed in sheer tights that made her legs look purple.

I slowly lifted my head, noticing a metallic copy of a rabbit's tail peeking out from behind her, it looked cute and I wanted to poke it.

Her purple leotard looked really pretty on her, a piece of technology clung to her back and linked to a headpiece the other workers were using, probably some kind of translator for all the different kinds of beings who came in.

What stood out with this lady was that her head was topped with a pair of mechanical bunny ears that matched her leotard and whirred as they twitched up and down.

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