Boys are mean to the girls they like - 1

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She entered the cafeteria, only to be drenched in ketchup, spraying at her from every direction. She opened her eyes when the torture seemed to end. Everyone was laughing at her yet again. She didn't even bother looking for the culprits, for she knew who they were. 

They were the biggest pranksters in school and their leader was the devilishly handsome Evan Rider. She was had been their only victim for as long as she could remember. For the life of her she couldn't gather, why Evan hated her so much. 

Walking out of the cafeteria towards the bathroom, she reminisced about a time, when her and Evan used to be best friends. It was at the start of middle school, when they drifted. When other boys fed him lies about girls having 'cooties'. It was only when high school started, that the torment began.

She really was tired of all the pranks directed at her. But for the life of her she could never hate Evan. 

He watched her leave quietly like she always did. A kick reached his heart, watching her retreating back. But he was to blame, like always. Evan Rider, the stone cold badboy of the school, held a soft spot in his heart for Angel Woods. The sweet, timid girl, who had once been his best friend. She was the only kid in primary, who would play with him, the dorky boy with braces. Then things changed. 

The echoing laughs of his so called friends, brought him back to reality. They had pranked her, yet again. He had made them. One could never understand, his twisted way of vying for her attention.

He didn't see any more of her for the rest of the day.

It was the last year of high school, only a couple of months were left till graduation. That left him with limited time, to tell her how he felt. But he couldn't. The dangerous and daring badboy was scared of confessing his feelings to the girl he liked.

A new day, brought about a spell of lethargy over Angel, even before it started. She didn't have any friends in school, Evan's constant ridiculing of her had made sure of that. Begrudgingly she pushed herself through the gates of her school. She could only hope that Evan and his crew would leave her alone today after that ketchup prank the day before. Wishful thinking, she thought.

It was break time and Evan was talking to his friends in front of the lockers. Suddenly, he felt a soft, barely there tap on his back. He turned around only to have the air sucked out of him. Angel was looking nervously at him with a hint of fear in her eyes. Evan had made it his mission to avoid talking to her since middle school. It wasn't as if he didn't want to, it was because he couldn't find the courage to talk to her.

"Y..You left your n..notebook in class..." she said, holding out his notebook.

The breath was knocked out of him, as he took in her soft voice, her sweet gesture and just her as a whole. He tried to find even a bit of contempt in her kind eyes but he couldn't. Angel was like that. He could torment her with his pranks as much as he liked, but she had never looked at him with contempt. It was what made him like her even more.

Slowly, he took it from her hands and managed speak the words "Thank You."

Angel awkwardly lifted her hand to a wave and left. Evan on the other hand, was still in a trance. Like the utter lovesick fool that he was, he lifted the part of the notebook she'd touched, and held it against his chest. It was almost sacred to him now. 

Hours had passed but Angel couldn't get their interaction from her mind. Yes out of all the students, it was Evan Rider that she had been crushing on since forever. Something as simple as returning his notebook and him thanking her had given rise to butterflies in her stomach. She felt stupid.

Classes were over now and she was at the library, trying to work on a project with her only friend in the entire school. Well more of an acquaintance really. Shelly had her own group of friends whom she hung out with. Angel had always been more of a study partner to her. 

"Angel! Where is your mind right now? You're not usually like this..." Shelly finally exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Shell... I'll try to focus..."

"Whatever.... hey so you're going to prom?" Shelly asked out of the blue.

"Oh... I don't think so... its..."

"Comeon!! its a once in a lifetime thing you have to!" Shelly pressed.

Ofcourse she wanted to go, but she didn't even have a date. She fantasized about going to prom with Evan and dancing with him. 

"I don't have a date" she admitted.

"Oh.. um.. well you could go solo... and hey... maybe you could finally ask Evan to dance with you..." Shelly suggested making Angel blush.

Shelly knew of her infatuation with Evan.

"H..He wouldn't want to... dance with me" Angel claimed sadly.

"You've been in love with that guy forever you could atleast try," Shelly said rolling her eyes.

The bell rang before Angel could answer and they got up to leave.

Hidden from their sight in the library, Evan heard every single word of their conversation. His heart hammered in his chest with the new information he obtained. 

Angel liked him.

He couldn't believe that his angel thought he wouldn't dance with her. But he couldn't blame her for thinking that. With the way he treated her, one would think he hated her. But the truth was far from it.

Love - bites (Romance one shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang