Sweet mystery

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Hey you, sweet mystery, may I be bold enough to unfold you?

Surely you wouldn't mind...

You look at your surroundings, your gaze studying. You want to figure out everything at once don't you? It's that same gaze that reeled my in. Something about it, made me surrender. It got my soul to scream at me," Let him figure you out!"

Then again there are times, when you look off into the distance. It's when your mind's trying to grasp at thousand things at once. From why the sun shines to what to make of life, every question knocks at you. I remember, you having that faraway look in your eyes, when we first met. You looked so lonesome, standing all alone. But I don't think you really hated it, as compared to the chaos that company brought with it. Just a little disturbed, with how life was holding.

Then you let me unfold you... little by little. I really must thank you cause I loved every moment of it. I realised that my instincts hadn't failed me. For never before had I seen a mind, so in tune with mine. I got so fond of you so fast. I wrongfully hated when others got more of you. But I knew I couldn't be selfish, as the beauty of your mind, deserved to be flaunted. So I smiled when you made others smile, wishing you the best, in my own troubled mind.

That smile of yours is enchanting, did you know?

I just had to fall in love. Oh but I did put up a fight. But you with your perfect imperfections, defeated me slowly but surely. But might I just say, it was a defeat I'd take over a thousand victories.

In love with you? It's the best place to be.

It was only after I could call you mine, could I unfold a whole new layer off your beautiful mind. I saw how, entangled with the beauty was a battle that was brewing. I couldn't help but worry, but you fought it off so bravely. Every time I saw you survive from yourself, my heart filled with pride.

Do you know that sometimes... I wish I could take away some of your pain. Every time I hold you tight, I'm secretly wishing that my arms could protect you from everything in the world. To kiss the pain away.

Then there is that way you look at me. Like you see me and see something you're content with. That look from you, makes my stomach tighten and my knees go weak. Its unbelievable to even think, that a girl like me could own a guy like you. Its like every flaw meeting its corresponding perfection.

Hey sweet mystery, a little unfolded now, did you know that perfection is you.   

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