Chapter Twenty-Two

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Meliodas' POV

She left with him, just like that, to protect me. But I'm supposed to be protecting her. Dammit! I need to go after them, before its too late. I dragged myself on the ground with my hands in the direction they flew off. 

Then, as I was on the ground, a familiar set of shoes approaching me. I looked up at the source of the shoes and saw Ban. He could surely help me get Rosalie back, right?

"Hey Captain." Ban said, walking over to me, with his weapon draped over his shoulders. 

I got off of the ground unsteadily, and back onto my feet, before saying, "Ban, help me out here. It's Rosalie, she's been taken away by Hendrickson."

"Not again! These Holy Knights don't have any idea how to treat a princess, do they?" Hawk said, running up to me, with a unhappy look on his face in response to what I said. 

"Hey Hawk, I didn't realize you were here." I said to the pig, not really noticing him until he ran up to me and spoke.

"Never mind that! You get some rest! You look worse than death itself!" Hawk said to me, before turning and going to Ban, and speaking to him. "Ban! The two of us need to get going and rescue Rosalie! Now you're ready to move out, aren't you?" After a moment without a response from Ban, Hawk's voice became nervous as he said. "Hey, why are you-? Wait that's right! We have to rescue Diane and the others first right?"

Hawk then moved closer to the immortal, and began whispering to him. But Ban still remained silent.

"What's up? Why aren't you saying anything?" I asked Ban. It was odd that he just stood there without saying a word. 

Ban then finally spoke, "Well, I really do love you Captain." As Ban spoke, Ban swung at me and cut off my arm. He held my now detached arm in his hand, and continued. "That's why I don't want to make you suffer. So don't resist."

"Never!" I said, as I ran over and punched the ground surrounding Ban with my other hand, getting my arm back from him, while creating a gust of debris as I broke the ground surrounding him.

"Shoulda known you'd do something like that." Ban stated blankly.

"We don't have time for this crap! So stop playing around!" I scolded him, before placing my detached arm where it was supposed to be, and activating my demonic powers, getting my arm back on my body.

"Alright you guys! Enough is enough! This is no time for you two to be fighting each other!" Hawk yelled at Ban and I, from his new spot high up overlooking where Ban and I were.

"Hey Captain, I've had this suspicion for awhile, and I've done my best not to ask, but I think now is the time. Are you from the demon race?" Ban said. I didn't reply. I remained quiet. After a few moments of silence, Ban continued. "You're not saying anything, so I guess that means I have my answer."

"Now is really not the time to be bringing this up. Rosalie is--" I said, but before I could finish, Ban charged towards me, and cutting me off.

"This may not mean anything to you, Captain. But to me, there's nothing else in the world that matters more!" Ban said, and we began clashing with each other. Him swinging his nunchucks at me, and I blocked them with my sword. "If I kill you right now, then she'll be brought back to life!"

"Who the hell would put something as ridiculous as that into your head?!" I yelled back at him.

"Some stuck-up lady calling herself a Goddess! She was talking to us out of this big ass horn thing too!" Hawk said, giving me the answer I needed. I knew exactly what put such an idea in my best friend's head.

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