Chapter Twenty

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Meliodas' POV

"Vivian, tell me where Princess Rosalie is." Merlin said as she used her magic to hurt Vivian.

"She's in the King's room." Vivian managed to choke out through the pain that Merlin was causing her. But as soon as she answered, Merlin let her go.

"There you go." Merlin said as she turned to us, while Vivian landed onto the ground. Once Vivian's body hit the ground, she began crawling away from Merlin in fear.

"She's getting away! Shouldn't we-" Arthur began, but I quickly cut him off.

"Forget her. For now we need to focus on rescuing Rosalie." I said, as I felt my grip on my sword tighten slightly. 

Merlin smirked as she raised her hand and said, "Then it's time to get a move on." Merlin snapped her fingers, and suddenly, we were right in front of a set of doors.

"Where are we?" I asked as I saw the big, unusual doors now in front of us.

"We're in front of my father's room." Princess Margaret said, as she hung onto Little Gil's arm.

"I tried to teleport us inside, but got deflected. The handiwork of my disgraceful ex-disciple." Merlin informed.

I walked a few steps towards the door, getting my arm ready to blast through the doors, and said, "Alright, you all better get back."

"Hang on a second Captain." Merlin said, causing me to halt. "Even with your powers, you couldn't breach this barrier. Its the perfect cube. A spell from the demon world, that can deflect any kind of power. Regardless of its magnitude." Little Gil emits a small amount of lightning from his hand to test what Merlin said, as he attempted it open the doors, but was instantly deflected.

Suddenly Merlin opens the doors with ease, despite everything she just said to us. I asked, giving the boar sin a confused look, "How'd you get rid of the spell like that?" 

"By using absolute cancel. I cut off my disciple and the spell cast over this room." Merlin answered nonchalantly, as she waved her one hand round confidently.

My eyes then darted into the room and I was met by the deep blue orbs I've grown fond of. There she stood, beside her father's bed. I quickly made my way over to her, Rosalie matching my fast pace and meeting me halfway. We soon found ourselves in a warm embrace.

"Meliodas, thank goodness you're alright." She said as she sniffled, trying not to cry from happiness.

I had my arms around her waist, holding her to me. I felt like if I let her go, I'd lose her again. My grip on her was tight, as I was just so glad she was fine.

"Right back at ya." I said in a quiet voice.

She gripped me tighter, her fists clenching my shirt between her fingers. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you all. Its all my fault." She said sadly.

"None of this is your fault, so don't be sorry." I said reassuringly. 

I suddenly became aware of the others in the room with us, but I still didn't want to let go. She got taken right in front of me, I can't let anything like that happen again. Otherwise, I may go mad.

"You sure got old Bartra." I said to the King lying in his bed, while I looked passed Rosalie's shoulder at him.

"And you haven't changed a single bit, have you?" Bartra responded. 

After Bartra finished saying those words, the noise of someone in armor approached us, the familiar clacking sound of the metal hitting the floor growing nearer. I didn't even have to turn around to know who was there behind me, because Little Gil quickly said as the man now entered the room, "Dreyfus."

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