Chapter Twenty-One

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Little Author's note before the chapter starts! I hope all of you guys are doing okay during this stressful time! I love and appreciate all of you, and wish you all the best. Enjoy the chapter.

Rosalie's POV

My home, the castle was in complete ruins, as Meliodas held me tightly in his arms. He saved me from being crushed under the debris as the castle crumbled and from the fall. I took deep breaths as I held on tightly to Meliodas, gripping his shirt. 

But suddenly, giant demonic-like creatures appeared out of nowhere all around the city. Meliodas and I looked around, our eyes soon landing on Diane going head to head against one. Meliodas put me down slowly, saying, "Rosalie, stay by Little Gil. I'm going to help Diane." I nodded and he ran, as Margaret, Gilthunder, and I approached the other sins, Guila, who was on the ground with Gowther helping her, and Howzer. Except, Ban wasn't with them. My brain wandered, trying to pinpoint where he could be, and hoping he was doing alright.

"My guess would be that the blood inside the new generation knights is going out of control." King said, as he assessed the situation. 

"No. It's being forced to go out of control." Meliodas said to the others as he jumped up and kicked the demon possessing Jericho, that was in combat with Diane, knocking away the demon.

"Captain!" Diane shrieked happily.

Howzer looked over at the rest of us as we approached, and said questioned his friend, "Gil, what are you doing with these guys?"

"There's no time to explain right now. I'll fill you in later." Gilthunder quickly replied.

"Captain, its being forced to go this way? You mean someone's behind this?!" King said, in almost disbelief.

"Yeah. Guila and Jericho are only a couple of the new generations that its happening too. Doesn't it seem kind of strange that all the new generation knights in the city would go crazy at the same time?" Meliodas said, explaining his conclusion slightly.

"I'm not sure I understand." King said, not following him.

"Look there." Meliodas simply stated to the Fairy, as more and more of the knights began going berserk.

The demon got back up, and was once again in a fighting stance against the giant girl. But I soon sensed a demonic power approaching behind me, as a familiar voice sounded, "As perceptive as always. To be honest, the new generation are just the useless riffraff that failed to become Holy Knights. Their hearts are filled with inferiority towards those who are truly powerful, and rage at themselves for being inferior. This ancient curse will only intensify those feelings and in time it will consume them completely." I turned around to see Hendrickson, but instead of seeing the normal human version of him, it was a demon, his torso completely covered in black markings.

Meliodas moved quickly to stand in front of me, extending his arm that held his sword to block me from Hendrickson. Meliodas glared daggers at the man before us, and said, "So, you're still alive Hendrickson!"

"He's different." I muttered.

"He's got the demon blood in him too." Meliodas said, knowing that had to be the answer as to why he had demon power now.

"What an incredible blessing! When one is truly compatible with demon blood, it augments their strength and amplifies their magical powers. All that research and experimentation was worth it!" Hendrickson said, before pointing at me and saying in a more serious and threatening tone towards Meliodas. "Now hand over Rosalie. Do so, and as one demon to another, I'll let you live."

"I'm not like you. You see, you're not human nor a demon. You're nothing but a fool." Meliodas said, as his glare on Hendrickson only intensified.

"I can't say I wasn't expecting that." Hendrickson said, a slight smile on his face.

"We're you expecting this too?" King asked, as suddenly tons of his tiny darts appeared around Hendrickson, with King nonchalantly laying in the air behind him.

Suddenly, King was knocked away, as Hendrickson said confidently, "Naturally."

The person that knocked King away was now in the air, flying above Hendrickson, with bloodied clothing and his sword in front of him in the air. Just by looking at him, I could tell he was a fairy like King.

"I just watched you die! Helbrum!" King said to the other person in surprise.

"There's no use talking to him. He's been dead for quite a long time now. If I'm not mistaken, you were the one why killed him, right?" Hendrickson said.

"King no!" Diane yelled, as the demon got a gain over her.

"I heard that the bodies of fairies don't rot, even after death. For nearly two hundred years, his corpse had been sold for a high price on the black market. One day, it fell into my possession and I gave it temporary life. A forbidden technique of the druids, 'Enslavement of the Dead'. But I'm sorry to say that one can only be revived twice. With each resurrection, the soul deteriorates further and his functions greatly diminish." Hendrickson says, causing King to cry and let out a scream of agony. A sadistic expression formed on Hendrickson's face, as he said, "Come now, don't weep for him. What we have before us is another glorious opportunity. A third occasion to kill your friend."

Hendrickson extended his arms and says, "It looks like the show is about to begin!"

"Come on!" Howzer said, as he raised his sword, but before any attack could be made, Hendrickson ran into him, knocking Howzer into a far away building.

"Hendrickson!" Meliodas yelled, grabbing his attention, before he and Gilthunder charged in to attack him. But just as the did so, I was pulled into Vivian, along with Margaret, as she held the staff against us, keeping us in place.



Meliodas and Gilthunder paused, looking back at the two of us. Gilthunder quickly yelled at the woman holding us, "Vivian, curse you!"

"You belong to me, and me alone, sweet Gil! Do you have any idea how much my heart aches for you?" Vivian responded.

As Meliodas' and Gilthunder's attention was on us, Hendrickson ran his sword through Meliodas and Gilthunder. I felt like I was choking on air, and everything around me was going in slow motion as the two males fell to the ground, blood seeping out of their wounds.

No. This can't be happening. Vivian's grip on us was removed, but I was frozen. Hendrickson raised his hand up, dark flames appearing, as he threatened to finish the two of them off. In that moment, an idea came to me, a way to protect them.

"Stop." I began, walking towards Hendrickson tearfully. "I'll go with you, just like you want. But don't hurt Meliodas and Gilthunder any further."

"That's a good girl. Honestly, I was only planning to leave Meliodas live, but I'll throw in Gilthunder as well." Hendrickson said, as he opened his arms graciously.

"No, please don't go." Meliodas said, as I stood beside him, pausing for a moment. Meliodas reached towards me as he pleaded for me, his voice cracking. "Rosalie, please. Don't go, stay here and let me protect you, it doesn't matter what happens to me, I promised I'd keep you safe." Meliodas gripped my ankle weakly, as he continued on. "No, Rosalie I won't let you leave."

I turned to look at Meliodas, giving him a smile as I said, "Meliodas, you've done so much for me, to protect me. So please, just let me protect you this time. Let me keep you safe." Once I said that, Meliodas let go of my ankle as he reached upwards for me.

Hendrickson asked me, as I looked to him "Shall we both take our leave then?"

"Please wait Rosalie! Don't let him do this to you!" Meliodas begged.

I once again turned to face Meliodas and said, "Meliodas, do you remember the promise made between us? Please don't ever forget them." 

After saying those words, I took my final steps towards Hendrickson. His marking shifted to a wing, as he held me with his other arm, before flying into the air. As he began, I could only hear one thing, the sound of Meliodas' scream for me.


An Angel in a Human's Body (A Seven Deadly Sins Love Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum