°•¤●The Essence of Light : Taunting●¤•°

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[Chapter 22]

'Embedding a sword with one's will is what makes them strong'

~ Raging Sky of Aincrad, Floor 27, 2024.



Peering towards the hundreds facing me, I smirked. The luminous essence of my blade began to dissipate after its use. The aerial sword skill that dashes through the wind at an accelerated speed then detonates upon impact.

Tyrfing Inferno Ex Skill: Heaven's Descendant

The grip I wield could ignite the wildest of scorches.

I rested the sword on my shoulder, steam still emanating from the surface of the fine edges. The scabbard weighed on my waist, still acting as a home to the heat-resistant weapon.

"As the grey sorcerer of old once said to the foul demon of Middle-Earth,"

"You shall not pass!"

Striking the tip of my sword to the ground brought radiating heat towards the soldiers. Some cowered behind others and some braced it willingly, unfazed by the challenge. My hands rested upon the hilt in a knightly fashion, keeping firm guard.

"Akato!" her voice called out to me.


I couldn't face her, not now. Even if my heart boils to give her my apologies, there are more pressing matters to tend to.

I sense it.

This aura... there's someone here that's separate from the norm. One that has not learned their lesson and is in dire need of a longer lecture.

A man.

The individual who orders the assault team revealed his presence.

Armour in shades of blood, his legendary blade once again signifying his superiority. The eyes of one who has fought against death and was then spared to tell the tale.


What senseless ego drove this fool to face the reaper in search of vengeance once again, I wonder?

"Crimson Rose... You dare-"

"I do dare, General Eugene." stopping him short in his words. "Good to see you too."

An almighty persona was put on display, so I had to show him his place.

"I'm not here to negotiate, not anymore. Not since you struck a deal with the front lines... and TRIED TO TAKE WHAT WAS RIGHTFULLY OURS!" I roared, enraged.

The heat expanded and began to rise in temperature. Visible embers started to form in the atmosphere, symbolling the swelling fury in me.

"Your over-inflated ego and spiteful greed brought me to this point. Whether you like it or not, I am now what's standing between you and your PATHETIC excuse of a goal!"

"Tch! If you're here to stop us, why didn't you do so earlier!" he questioned me so confidently.

A General is a General for a reason, his perception and understanding fits him well with that title. He knew I was on the hunt for their raid party hours ago. Well done, sir. Your scouts have informed you well.

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now