°•¤●Immeasurable Bliss●¤•°

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[Chapter 17 {I}]


"So, I was wondering, can you tell me more about the armour set you're wearing there, Yuuki?"

I asked curiously, bending my head forward whilst pointing at her armour as she walks with me across the market street in Panareze. The road was of solid cobblestone, leading the way into the central hall of the city. My right consists of stalls and shops, as my left shows the river leading into the centre hall with another road across the other side from here, followed by more stalls for wares. I've decided to go purchase some valuable stuff for the time being, and the Guild Leader insisted on accompanying me.

"Oh, this? My s- I mean, a... past member of the guild recommended this to me. She taught me the best combination of armours for flexibility and mobility. Heh. I couldn't make this whole set myself without her help, so I consider it as borrowed knowledge." She raised her nose high with her arms on her waist. Gladly showing off her prowess.

"Is having revealing tights part of them, say, 'borrowed knowledge'?" I smirked, making quote marks with my fingers.

"WElL aReN't YoU tHe ObSeRvAtIvE oNe?" said the swordswoman now staring at me annoyed with a smile.

She gently bumped me with her clenched fist as a reminder not to shoot too far off the mark with my humour. Haha. Sorry, I really couldn't help myself.

I ended up giggling a little... Now that I think about it, this is the first time I've gone shopping with a girl other than Yorozu.

Speaking of which, she logged off earlier after adding Yuuki to her friend's list. She still had 'fire' in her eyes before saying goodbye. How persistent. She hasn't given up yet. Kirito had to meet up with Asuna while Siune decided to prepare for the raid tonight with everyone else.

Before leaving, she told me that I was lucky that Jun decided to go off levelling before I logged in. If he stayed even a little longer, he would've seen me and Yuuki sleeping. I'll try to give the benefit of the doubt that Jun probably wouldn't be too wary of me with his guild leader, but I was very confused as to why she told me this.

I gave my thanks for her informing me about it either way. Yuuki overheard this after giving her last handshake to my sister and sighed in relief, somewhat happy that Jun left. I can't tell what was the problem here but oh well, at least Jun is enthusiastic about the raid.

I checked the time again and it's currently 5:15 p.m.

That makes 2 hours and 45 minutes left before the raid at 8.00 p.m.

"Why did you ask?" Yuuki elbowed my arm before I wandered off in my thoughts.

"Oh, I was thinking of making an armour set specifically for more uh, boost? You know, 'speed'. I never got a chance to make one."

"How many do you need? Geez! Hahaha~" She poked.

"Hey, you got to be ready for anything, you know. FYI, I became a teeny bit more paranoid after losing against an actual speed demon the other day!"

"I wonder who that would be~ sounds like a strong independent woman!" She stretches her hands playfully.

"I didn't mention a 'she',"

"Sure, sure~"

Pride. She takes her skill with great pride, what a force to be reckoned with.

I remembered something about what happened earlier, and I haven't gotten the chance to address it,

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