°•¤●Eternal Love: Accepting●¤•°

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[Chapter 38]


"You said you wanted to say goodbye." A voice called out to me in this white plane of existence.

"HUH?!" I turned around, panicking.


It's blinding in here. I can't make out a horizon or roof in the distance.

What is this place?

A man in red, sitting on a chair, appeared before me. His sleeves pulled up to under his elbow, paired with leather gloves. The plates on his torso were metal, and so are his boots by the way they reflect light.

Armour pieces and swords surrounded him unorganized, some scattered all around while others jabbed their tips into the white ground. This sight bears resemblance to a battlefield, with one man left standing.

"It's not nice to not uphold your promises, you know." A curled-up black cloth fell on his hand, striking a distraction. His way of sitting on that chair was comical, though, still maintaining a menacing presence. One leg was placed on the floor, the other on the exterior of a chest plate under his feet.

I stammered.

"... It's you."


"It's me

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"It's me."

His eyes opened wide and burned in blue. The rage in his sights could push me down with a single thought.

The air was vibrating like an earthquake's passing.

But I stood my ground.

"You named an armour set before me, didn't you?" He tossed the cloth up again repeatedly, giving me a psychotic smirk.

"!?... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh come on, Crimson Rose. It's me! Your old buddy!" He caught the cloth again, and the second it lands in his grasp, the streak in his eyes dashed towards me.

"Your good friend," His face next to mine...

"The Bloodmoon Swordsman."

My past self revealed to me that hellish title of mine.

I stayed unfazed, somehow. But before I got the chance to push him off of me, he backed away in a split second and reversed right into his chair.

"Hahaha! So, you remember now right?" His glee smile and closed eyes pestered me. "I'm the version of you that you haven't yet passed on!"

"... I didn't do those things... not to those people..." I spoke with courage, justifying myself.

"Oh, dude, you did! I was there, HAH! LITERALLY!" He clapped at my attempt, staring down my pitiful face.

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCWhere stories live. Discover now