°•¤●The Essence of Light : Trusting●¤•°

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---::The Essence of Light Sub-Arc:---

[Chapter 20]


"You're here early?"

Nori asked confused, noticing me waiting at the table in the inn that we're all very familiar with. The sunset outside seemed less joyful to me, almost as if it knows what I'm feeling. The bar's environment grows emptier. My face was a mix of sorrows and discouragement.

Everyone else looked somewhat exhausted with the levelling session, but couldn't help but feel excited about tonight. I can see it in their eyes.

It's currently 7:49, half an hour after Akato ran off without saying a word. I don't know what to tell the guild. Do we go alone, or should I search for him when I have the chance?

"If you don't mind me asking, where's Akato?" questioned the salamander in armour, looking around for the man in question. Great, now I have to tell them.

Sighing won't help me now... might as well be straightforward.

"We... went shopping together at Panareze. Then had an EXP grinding session for a while..."

I gave a genuine tone to my words, but the context itself is disheartening for them to listen to;

"It was going so well... until he got a message about something... and had to leave in the last minute."

Without a moment passed, Jun's face already told me exactly what he was about to say. He wasn't having it. Gripping the table with all his might, grinning his teeth, he leaned towards me from the other end of the round table.


"Wh-what?" Siune gasped as she held on to her staff, backing away in disbelief.

"I-I didn't say that, Jun!" I objected. "He said there wouldn't be a raid if he didn't go. Something must've happened. We don't know." I calmed the situation, standing up and staring dead into his eyes.

Tecchi who was also a bit shocked at the sudden news, when normally he would've been less likely to be taken by surprise, spoke;

"There should be a reason for that right? He helped us a ton already. We shouldn't be speculating on things we aren't sure of."

Everyone started to make a fuss, I couldn't help but wonder too.

Talken, who was the last to walk through the door, followed on the point given by his fellow party member;

"Right? He seemed like a nice guy too, you know? He wouldn't just run off and left us... that's too cruel..."

My eyes looked down, hoping he won't proceed with his sentence. I'm... afraid to admit it... Talken... please don't say it...


"Would he?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at my guild. Visibly upset but careful to not go beyond my judgement, yet still making my point clear. I slammed my hand on the table.

"He isn't like that! We went through shop after shop, street after street, monster after monster! He showed dedication! He was sincere, you all know this!"

Crimson Rosario - An SAO Fanfic - Yuuki Konno X OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant