chapter 30

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I get inside and immediately go for a pack of Oreos on the counter. After having a few I put them away and go to head back to my room. I stop when I see someone standing in the corner of the living room. Looking closer I realize it's some guy I've seen before in the building. 

"I've been waiting for you to get here. He said you usually got back around 4:30," he says, getting closer.

"Who said?" I ask stepping back farther into the kitchen.

"I'm pretty sure you already know who I'm talking about but since I guess you're not too bright it was Garret."

I was now up against the wall trying to stay as far as I could from him. He was so close now I could tell he had been smoking earlier. 

"Well now that I've got you I guess it's time to get going," he says grabbing my arm.

Immediately I reacted. After getting out of his tight hold I run into my room and climb into the closet. After getting in the back corner I pull out my phone calling Lucas.

"Yes?" he answers.

"I need help," I say in a whisper.

"With what and why are you whispering?"

"Someone's in my house and they were sent by Garret."

"Where are you right now?"

"In my closet."

"Okay stay right there and don't say anything. I'll be there in a bit and I'll call for some help."


"Just please stay safe."

"I will."

"I'm gonna put you on hold okay? Don't hang up."

"I won't."

I pull my legs up closer and scoot as close as I can to the wall. I could hear the guy out there trying to find me and constantly yelling.

"Hey I'm back are you still ok?" Lucas asks.


"Okay just keep quiet from now on and don't hang up I'll be there soon."

I don't say anything after that. I then hear the guy come into my room.

"I know you're here somewhere and I'm gonna tear this place apart to find you!" he yells.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear him get closer to the closet. I slowly set the phone down on the floor to try to stop my hands from shaking. Then the closet doors burst open.

"Gotcha!" He says with a smirk. 

He grabs me by my arms and pulls me out forcefully. He then slams me up against the wall and slaps me across the face.

"Now if you ever try to run away again it's just going to get worse. The more you struggle the worse it gets. I would think you would understand this by now. Guess Garret didn't teach you well enough."

He then grabs my arm dragging me with him. I struggle trying to get him to let go of me. He then pulls me harder making him let go as I fall to the floor. Grabbing me by my hair he pulls making me stand up. He then has me face him as he grabs my face forcefully. I wince at the pain from where he had slapped me before. 

"Listen up if you keep this up I won't hesitate to kill you myself."

He then let's go as he kicks me in the leg making me fall.

"You deserved that. Now get up we've got to get going."

Before I could the front door burst open and people came rushing in. The man was too shocked and didn't react fast enough. They already had him and we're walking him out. Lucas then runs in and immediately comes to me.

"Are you okay?! I was so worried about you!" He says getting to his knees and holding me to him.

"I'm fine."

He pulls back a bit. "Are you sure? You're crying," he says, wiping my tears.

I just not my head.

"Okay let's go get you checked out. Medical is waiting downstairs."

"But Lucas I'm fine."

"I'm not letting you go anywhere before you get checked out. Now you can wait on the couch and they will come up here and check on you. I will get a few of your things packed so we can go."


Lucas then helps me up and has me sit down on the couch before disappearing into my room. Not too long after people come in and start checking me up. I recognized one of them from work because I had gone and got a bandaid from her when we couldn't find any in our office. Once they were don't and Lucas had a bag packed for me we left. Of course he grabbed the pack of Oreos on the way out with a smile on his face.

Once we get to his place he sets my things down in the guest room. After that he grabs one of his t-shirts and hands it to me. I just smile and take it.

"I thought you would like it more than you own. I'll let you get changed."

He leaves shutting the door behind him. I quickly get changed into a shirt and some shorts. I grab my favorite blanket that Lucas had grabbed for me before we left and head out to the living room.

"I plugged in your phone. It's just in the kitchen," Lucas says walking out from the kitchen. "So you ready to go to bed?"

I just nod my head.

"Do you wanna sleep in the guest room?"

"I don't wanna be alone."

"Okay just give me a second so I can go change. There should be an extra toothbrush in the bathroom for you to use."

After we were both fully ready for bed we went into Lucas's room. He holds me tightly to him like he was afraid I would disappear.

"I need to tell you something and it's very important," he says with a smile.


"I love you," he says kissing my forehead.

It takes me a minute to process it before I say, "I love you too."

With that we both cuddle up to each other and fall asleep.

The Hard TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora