chapter 5

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After a while I get a message from Lucas with someone we needed background on. He also said that he would explain everything else when he got home. I pull back out my laptop tiredly and send an email to Lainey asking her for background on Porter Hanks. I was exhausted and really wanted to sleep. Looking over at the clock I see it was already ten at night. I had missed dinner without even realizing. Most of the time I had spent helping Lainey get background information quicker.

I lean back into the pillows rubbing my eyes. I had changed a while ago into sweatpants and a t-shirt to be more comfortable. Maybe it wasn't the best Idea though speaking I was falling asleep. I move to my elbows resting on my legs that were crossed and my head in my hands.

"Madeline?" I hear a voice asks. "I brought you something to eat. My mom told me you never came down for dinner."

I slowly look up to see lucas standing not to far away from me. He was holding a small plate with a sandwich on it. I was so tired though. Falling back on my bed I cover my eyes with my arms. It was weird how the strangest positions could be so comfortable when your exhausted.

"Madeline get up," he says now more of a command.

I just ignore wanting to sleep so bad.

"Mads! Gets up!"

Uncovering my eyes I glare at him, "Never call me that!"

"Okay then you need to get up."

I sit back up taking the plate from him. He carefully sits at the end of the bed and turns my laptop to him. He reads the background that he had asked for while i eat in silence

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask him.

"Nothing. All the information is right here. All that's left is that Darson is bringing brought back and is being kept in a cell in the basement. They want to see if he knows anything else."


"Also I guess we're going to Paris."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard what I said. We need to go find Hanks and he should be in Paris. Darson Also said that he has this little apprentice by his side most of the time."

"Who is this so called apprentice?"

"He doesn't know. No one ever brings up his name. This guy is off the grid."

"Well then when are we leaving."

"Um...about less than an hour."

"Seriously! I'm exhausted!"

"Looks like you will have to get that beauty sleep on the plane," he says standing up. "Meet me out at the car."

He leave as I roll my eyes. Slowly climbing out of bed I fix the sheets. After all my things were packed I make my way out to the car where Lucas was already waiting. I fight the urge to fall asleep the whole ride. At the airport we end up having to run just to catch out flight. Lucas though being such a gentleman stole the window seat for himself. The window seat was always my favorite because I didn't have to worry about leaning into anyone if I fell asleep. Instead I was in the middle seat next to an old man who didn't smell the best and was snoring.

"Why did you have to take the window seat?" I whisper to Lucas.

"Because I wanted the window seat and you got it last time so it's fair," he says with a shrug and closes his eyes again.

"But this man smells so bad"

"I'm good. I can't smell it," he says with a shrug and his eyes still closed.

"Wow, such a gentleman."

"Thank you. I'll take that as a complement."

Rolling my eyes I pull my blanket on me. I was as far as I could get from the old man sitting next to me. With my eyes getting heavier I keep leaning over to the right. Its was hard to keep my head up and eventually I just gave up. Its was Lucas's fault for stealing the window seat and putting me next to this smelly man. I didn't feel bad one bit.

I wake up knowing I was definitely not on the plane anymore. There was a soft blanket over me and I was lying in a comfortable bed. I slowly opened my eyes, squinting against the bright light. Sitting up I see Lucas half asleep in the desk chair. Pushing the blankets up I stand up and go to find a change of clothes. It would probably be best to shower also after the long trip here.

"Wait!" I hear Lucas call after me.

"What?" I say annoyed turning around.

"Can I please shower before you."


"Because I went out for a run and then I accidentally fell asleep when I sat down."

"Fine but I have to ask you one questiong."

"Okay?" He says standing up and grabbing his clothes.

"Did you seriously carry me instead of waking me up?"

He turns to face me,"Yeah?"

"Why didn't you just wake me up?"

He comes to me now just a few inches separating us. "Because last time I woke you up you were about ready to kill me."

I just stand there frozen. Lucas takes a step around me heading to the bathroom.

"Wait," I say turning around.

He turns to face me, "Yes?"

"Are we going to have time to go see the eiffel tower?"

He rolls his eyes, "so your one of those girls."

"No I just like to explore in my free time," I say folding my arms.

"If you wanna see the Eiffel tower so bad just look out the window."

Lucas turns around and heads into the bathroom slamming the door shut behind him. Why couldn't he not be in this mood for once? Every day he was actually being nice one second and then something happens and he starts being a jerk. I'm not sure if it's because if something I say but it was starting to get old. I go back over to the desk and open the blinds.

The view though was definitely not what I was expecting. You could see the eiffel tower right outside. I would love to see it up close though. Sitting down in the desk chair I start spinning back and forth. The room was small. There were two beds with a small tv on a dresser across from them. Down a little hall was a bathroom with the sink outside of it.

I was starting to get impatient waiting for Lucas. I spin the chair faster which makes it start moving across the hardwood floor. Starting to get dizzy I just push myself away from the desk and then scoot back forward. Pushing off the wall again I hear a noise as the chair stops. The chair get slowly gets turned around so I'm face to face with Lucas.

"Sorry," I say sinking down in the chair.

"You better be," he says angrily.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's your turn," he says pointing his thumb towards the bathroom.

I grab my things and hurry to the bathroom, not wanting to deal with Lucas's glare.

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