chapter 6

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Hanks assistant, Parker AKA Red


We spent the afternoon quiet while we did some research. Lucas wouldn't even glance my way. Looking in the tall mirror in the bathroom I see me looking more beautiful than ever. Usually I just see me. A girl who's lost in a dark tunnel looking for the light at the end of it.

I was wearing a black, lace dress that went right above my knees. There were thine spaghetti straps to help old it up. To complete it I was wearing black gloves with silver sandals. My hair was in loose curls. This was the most I had dressed up in a land time. Smoothing my dress I stepped out of the bathroom.

Lucas stood by the door in a suit and tie with his hair nicely comes to the side. He opens the door watching me and holding out a hand motioning for me to go first. I step out the door and turn while I wait for him to shut the door. He holds out his arm to me.

"Oh, so ur going to be a gentleman now," I say sarcastically.

He growls, "will you just cooperate?"

I loop my arm through his as we make our way down to the car. He opens the door and helps me into the car. Going to the other side he climbs in besides me and the driver takes off. It was weird with Lucas being such a gentleman to me. It was charming also. It was just to keep up our appearance. I knew that I had to remember that.

Once we get to the restaurant Lucas gets out first and holds his hand out to me. I take it and we head inside. Lucas gets us a table and we stand off to the side. We both don't say a word while only a few inches apart. Lucas then grabs my hand pulling me.

"Already?" I ask.

"Yes, now let's go."

We stop outside of the doors to a separated room.

"Do you remember the plan?" he says turning to face me.


Turning back around we both head into the room shutting the door behind us. Both Hanks and his assistant turns around to face us. Hanks had her black hair with a short beard and grey eyes. His assistant had Burnett hair with dark blue eyes. The second I saw his assistant I wanted to run, scream, and punch him right in the face. My thoughts get interrupted though by Lucas and Hanks.

"What are you doing here and why?" Hanks demands.

"Oh you know exactly why."

"A threat or to kill?"

"Depends on how we feel," Lucas says with a shrug.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"We get need the files back from you and we will leave calmly without any harm to you or your little puppy of yours."

Hanks chuckles, "do you seriously think I would just hand it over?"

"No but now we know who has it and you are going to deeply regret not just handing it over the first time," he says slowly stepping closer. "So I would just hand it over if I were you or u will pay with consequences."

His assistant had his gun out pointed at Lucas. I just couldn't stand staring at him. This wasn't him. I turn around not able to stay and go running out the door. My feet kept going not sure where they are taking me. I slow down as the Eiffel tower comes into view. It was late so there weren't many people out.

I sit down in the grass across from it admiring how beautiful it was. I had always wanted to see it up close and personal since I was younger. It was my dream. I guess that dream had come true. Closing my eyes I take in a deep breath of fresh air. Pulling off my shoes I let my bare feet feel the soft grass.

Lucas was going to be furious with me but at this point I didn't care. I needed a break after the terrible sight of that assistant. "I don't know him" I kept telling myself. "He's not who I think he is."

It was dark out and it started to rain as the wind picked up. I didn't move though. A little rain wasn't going to scare me away and neither wout the wind. I would freeze out here instead of going inside. The apartment was in view and it wouldn't be a long walk but I didn't want to go back. I liked being outside. I hadn't been able to just enjoy myself like this in a long time.

"Why did you run!" I hear a demanding voice say.

I turn a bit to see a very angry Lucas coming my way.

"Are you out of your mind?! I was going to have you take his assistant and then me Hanks to get him to spill but you left! There was no reason to! They could have killed me the second you left but all you care about it yourself! You didn't stick to the plan like I told you to! You disobey me and ran off!"


"No! You shouldn't even be here if you can't stick to the plan! That's how you get people killed! Why did you run off?!"

"Because of the assistant."

"Sure, likely excuse. You should just go home before you ruin anything else!"

"He's my brother! That's why I ran!"

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