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I opened my eyes up feeling a small migraine and an unreal thirst.

I was lying down on the bed, under the light brown fluffy blanket. The first thing I noticed was the dim light of the desk lamp in the room and the slightly dark sky outside the window.

I lifted up my torso, supporting my heavy head with a hand on my forehead. I chose to start up my brain by thinking what happened and what time it must be based on the dark sky. Then I remembered  how I had gotten blackmailed to eat and then I had been brought to my room.

I concluded since it was autumn, mid November, the sky starts to darken at 6 or 5 PM. I was glad that I still had a somewhat sense of reality, despite being in this fantasy territory.

Eyes closed, I kept my hand on my forehead as an attempt to ease the pain. I raised my torso fully, sitting down on the bed.

When suddenly, I felt a presence in the room. Snapping my vision towards the desk I saw William standing in the chair, reading a book peacefully. The light almost didn't hit him and his face was covered in shade.

I gulped, grabbing the blanket, tensioned.
I wanted to speak, but I waited for the enemy to make a move first.

He finally looked at me. That ocean blue colour seemed to not respect the laws of physics and it was able to reach me through the shade.

I stiffened. William spoke calmly "You're up. Very good. It seems that you have a headache. " and his gaze spoke worry.

I didn't answer. He closed the book, put it on the table and got up from the chair, walking towards me. I didn't know what to do, but my heart started pumping blood rapidly, preparing for a run.

I followed him with my glare as I saw him go towards the right side of the bed and sit down. He was sitting in the spot farthest from me. I instinctively brought my knees to my chest and curled up.

He looked at me and said "There's some water on the nightstand. You must be thirsty." and directed his vision towards the said nightstand on my right.

I looked at it and gulped at the thought that he got so close to me while I was unconscious. I furrowed my brows and turned my head towards him, finally speaking. My voice came out hoarse and my throat felt dry as a desert "Why are you here?"

His eyelids rose slightly, either as a surprise to the state of my voice or the question. But he responded calmly "I came to tell you it's time for dinner."

I breathed in alarmed. Even though his voice was monotone, there was an implication in his words. It was a warning. He was warning me to remember what would happen if I denied coming willingly to take dinner.

Gulping involuntarily yet again, I nodded calmly, but suddenly changed my mind, as the desire to speak up arose. "Do you think this is helping? Blackmailing me and forcing me to eat is a good decision? Why do you even want me to eat that badly? You want to "take care of me"? Why? What do you want to do with me? Are you a cannibal or something?" I cried out.
He tried to interrupt my crisis, getting close to me with an alarmed expression on his face "Emily, wait-" but I wasn't having any of it "Human trafficking? What is it? Just tell me already!!" and tears started flowing down my face soon enough.

He got closer and touched my shoulder, but I pushed him away and screamed terrified "Don't touch me!!" as I jumped from the bed and prepared to run.
Unfortunately, I didn't hit him strongly enough as he got there before me and was standing in front of the door, blocking my way. His arms were partly stretched, tensioned as if he was preparing to catch me when the next chance arose.

I was looking at him, slightly dizzy from my crying and the intense stress, breathing heavily.
He started in a calm and clear voice, but not too slowly "Emily. Please clam down. I am not going to hurt you. Let's talk this over dinner."

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