Radical Honesty

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I had some trouble finding the exact name of the kdrama from the gif, but they guy's name is Seo Kang Joon.


She didn't say anything for a few moments. I was getting more and more anxious. Will she tell on me? Was this a huge mistake?

"Miss Emily... I apologise, but I'm afraid I can't. ... We have been announced of your arrival and have been told to provide you with anything, except... a way out. "
I looked at her, feeling anger rise in me. Then I started to get erratic. "Isabella, please. I need to go home. You must understand. I can't be here. I have a life, I have a family, I am here against my will. I don't know what's happening and why-"

My weakness was getting a hold of me. I was very attached to my home and family as they were my anchor of sanity and familiarity. I couldn't be away from them for long times, because I would lose my ability to be calm and anxiety would consume me. And it was happening. But my anger was stronger. It was my protection, guarding my sensitive and weak side.

"Miss Emily, I am sorry but-" Isabella took off her gloves, preparing to comfort me, but I took a step back, putting on my mask again.

"No, it's okay, Isabella, I understand." I smiled at her. "I won't get you into trouble." As expected, she fell for it. I was pretty convincing on the outside, but on the inside I was cracking. I wouldn't be able to hold it together any longer, I would soon break down and I couldn't afford that.

"It's going to be okay. I assure you. Master will take good care of you." She said in a warm tone, holding my shoulders.

"I guess." I simply said, not wanting to fake enthusiasm as my pretending would get too obvious. This awkward moment was interrupted by the faint sound of a raised, firm voice "Emily!"
I jumped when hearing it, my heart quickly starting to race with my anxious thoughts.

Isabella frowned, her brows getting furrowed together. "What did you do?"
she asked, staring at me expectantly.
"I, uh, gotta go. Thank you, Isabella, sorry again about the slippers" I said nervously, breaking from her hold and sprinted towards the door, leaving her confused in the middle of the room.

I got outside the door, preparing to run and hide in another room "Okay, okay, think. I need to hide for now, when danger will pass, I'll run. Then I'll-"

"Emily." I froze. I heard the voice behind me, now closer. "Shit, shit, he sounds pissed. What do I do? Okay, aim for the eyes, neck, crotch. Alright got it."

"Turn around, Emily." His voice was calm, confident. It pissed me off. However, I obliged. I turned around and was met with his intimidating presence. He was sitting a few feet (meters) away from me, with a calm face, in the same attire with his hands in his pockets.
It didn't help that I found suits attractive, it just contributed to the intimidating factor.

I was staring, feeling myself inhale and exhale at a fast speed, palms sweating, trembling from the stress. I hated feeling this way. I hated feeling so vulnerable.

He sighed, lowered his glare and started walking calmly towards me. His steps were somewhat gracious and he walked straight, the sound of his shoes touching the ground echoing in my head like a clock ticking indicating the moments before my doom.

I took a step back instinctively and he stopped, analysing me then finally spoke "Veronica informed me that you are not willing to take a bath. I thought I made myself clear."

I couldn't read any emotion on his face so I assumed he was angry, but so was I. My rage took the place of fear and I spoke "That is correct. I have no intention of bathing anywhere else other than my home. My real home."

Forced Paradiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें