Unknown Territory

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That's how I imagine the balcony, only the railings (not sure that's the right word) are white and the balcony is round. Yes, it's a stock image because it has the best quality out of the ones I could find. Source: Schloss Cappenberg Castle.


Slowly opening my eyes, I found myself staring at a ceiling. A light blue ceiling. My body was situated in an horizontal position on a slightly soft, but firm surface. So I was in a bed. "Great deduction, genius."

I was feeling like I've woken up from a deep and good sleep. Surprisingly, I felt well rested. I haven't felt like that in a long time. I remember the best sleep I got was after a minor surgery a year ago.

Suddenly, I became more and more stressed as I remembered what had happened. My breathing and heart beating intensified as I recalled what I remembered. I was forcefully put to sleep by an a stranger. Then a car. I was in the backseat of a car. I opened my eyes for short intervals, but everything was mostly a blur. I remember I saw the back of 2 front seats as I was laying down on the backseat. Wait! No! It's even worse. I was laying down, my head on a pillow in someone's lap. My head was being slowly caressed, the hand moving my hair away from my face.

I silently groaned, trying to move but failing. A low voice answered to my attempts with "Shhh. Rest. Don't fight it." Powerless, I gave in. It's not like my limbs were of any use. They felt too heavy when I tried to lift them.


I needed to get out. I needed to do it fast. But I couldn't move too suddenly.

I looked around. The bed was huge. I was laying in the middle of it, on pastel blue colours.
The walls were light blue, with little white floral pattern. In the front was a white desk. The back of the chair was against the wall. Next to it there was a closet and a huge bookcase. Between them, there was another door.
I remembered the exercises I did when I was learning prepositions in English. *The picture of a room with awkwardly placed objects* "Describe the room" Oh, well: "There is a bed on the right. On it there is a blue book. There is a chair against the wall and next to it there is a bookcase. Between them there is a desk with a red ball under it.
Good times, stuff was easy back then.
•∆•∆• )  "Huh. A bathroom, maybe?" To my right I saw a huge window, the curtains were light blue like the ceiling. The hue of this room was blue... I love blue. I looked closer - the window had a balcony. "Jackpot." This might be my key out of here.

I slowly elevated my torso and supported myself with my elbow. I was still sleepy, but I forced my eyes to stay open. On the left there was a door. Most of the furniture was of white or light wood, including the door. I was sure the door was locked so the balcony was my current objective. Anyways, it's easier to break glass than a wooden door, right?

I moved and sat on the side of the bed. My shoes. I didn't have any on. Thank god. It's beyond me how people can lie down with shoes on. The person who took them off at least spared me the discomfort. There was a pair of white slippers besides the bed. Just great. It will be tricky to run in those. Whoever arranged this situation must have thought about that. However, my clothes were the same. I loudly exhaled relieved. My black and white uniform - a reminder of my familiar life. A life I really missed right now.

I'll find my shoes later eventually. I put the slippers on and tried to stand up. Damn did my legs hurt. I slowly stood up and walked towards the window and the glass door.
But I remembered the door that was right in front of my bed. I'd stop by there first. Even though I expected it to be closed, I grabbed and turned the handle. It opened.
Nervous, expecting to be greeted by some poison gas or a knife in my stomach, I stepped in.
Turning the light on, I was greeted with an.. unusual scenery.

 unusual scenery

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(Not my picture. Unfortunately, I lost the source. No copyright infringement intended.)

The bathroom was bigger than expected. I would have been lying if I said it wasn't gorgeous. I could see that everything was arranged like for a guest. "I sure as hell am not worthy of such a beautiful room and bathroom.."
There was a lingering scent of cinnamon and vanilla. "Is this a bathroom or a kitchen with this kind of smell in it?" My sarcastic and skeptical side commented.
But the truth is, I didn't want to admit it was very pleasant and suited the atmosphere well.
I also noticed that there were bottles of  5 or more kinds of gels, scrubs, conditioners, soaps near the bathtub and showers. On the sink, there were bottles of face wash, moisturizer, scrub, masks and make-up. New brushes, eye shadow pallets, lipstick, mascara. There were so many, neatly arranged and most importantly very expensive. "I could never afford half of the stuff here in an entire lifetime!"
This was my cue to get out of here. This place was clearly out of my league. I must have been brought here as a servant or something and this is a test so if I touch any of this, I'd have to pay it with time or something.
I turned the lights off, got out and closed the door.
My priority was to get out. So I went for the balcony.

"Alright, here goes nothing." I thought to myself and grabbed the handle.

To my utmost surprise, it opened. I couldn't believe it. I opened it with care, afraid it might make too much noise. To my luck, there was no creak. As I stepped outside, I was greeted by a cool and fresh breeze. I breathed in, filling my lungs with clean air. The balcony was circular. It was big enough that it fit a small table and two chairs. The railing was relatively high as it reached my stomach and the pillars were wide. Just great.

The sky was azure blue and some fluffy white clouds were floating. The sun wasn't too strong. It was just perfect. As I put my hands on the railings, I looked around. The garden was huge. You could see low-cut grass of a beautiful green everywhere, like a natural carpet. There were beds of flowers and hedges. I could see the near windows and a few above me. "This thing looks like a castle.."

I supposed I was at the 3rd floor. Crap. There goes my chance of escaping through here. "I would need to get a rope.. and let's see, if this is the front side.." I talked to myself as I was scanning the place when..."wait. Is that.. No, it's impossible." Looking in the distance I didn't see the skyline meeting the land.. But instead I saw it meeting water. "N..no. This can't be." Is that a lake? It seems too wide. It's either a sea or an ocean. That could mean only one thing: I was very far away from home.

Shocked, I put my hand on my forehead, pushing any hairs above my head, lowering my eyes while pacing anxiously. "This is bad." How long was I out? This must have been hours or even days of driving. "This is really fucking bad." I stormed inside, but closing the balcony door carefully.

I saw a bag near the desk. I nearly screamed of happiness. It was my backpack. I rapidly kneeled in front of it, checking everything like a madwoman. Everything was in place, my books, my pencils case, my wallet, keys - I almost cried seeing them. They reminded me of my house. I wanted home. Everything was going as usual. Why did that have to change? I could visualise me unlocking the door and going inside my safe space - my dear home.

But something was missing. Something very important. As I saw my earphones put neatly in a small pocket, exactly where I usually put them, I remembered one of my vital possessions - my phone. They took my phone. Of course. One more thing to add to my checklist of things to retrieve from whatever sicko took them.

I zipped all the pockets and put the bag on my back. I'm not losing any more precious time. I'm going home.

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