The Fight part 2

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  • Dedicado a Allan

When I rushed at Aro, his movements were in slow motion and my movements were at normal speed. I stopped a minute, concentrating my energy in my right leg.Then I kicked as hard as I could at his arm. It connected, breaking his arm in half. He went flying and I ran after him, his movements still in slow motion. I jumped in front of him while he was passing by and grabbed him by his hair, turned him and slammed my knee into his face, causing blood to gush out of his mouth and face. Tossing him to the side, he got up very slowly. I then concentrated all of my Super Kaio-ken energy into my right fist for the final attack.

When he was finally stood up I rushed at him and thrusted my fist into his stomach. Punching straight through him. I heard a loud BOOM after my fist connected with his stomach. My speed had slowed down and Aro was back at normal speed coughing up blood onto my arm. I turned to look at friends shocked faces.

I threw Aro down onto the ground and started to walk towards them. Suddenly I felt dizzy, feeling my energy slip away. I started to fall onto the ground when someone caught me. I looked up to see the concerned faces of Puffin and Recha as I started to fall into darkness, passing out.


When I woke up, I saw all of my friends above me.

"Chris, are you okay?" Brogan asked

"Yeah... not so sure about Aro though. Where is his body anyways?"

"We put him over there." Recha pointed over to a grassy area where the body of Aro was laying. I got up and saw destruction where I had punched Aro. Drew must have saw my face because he said,

"Chris, you caused that when you punched that guy in the stomach. It caused a shockwave and made everything fly in all different directions within a half a mile radius." I looked around and he was right. Everything was blown away, except my mother's body, that seemed to stay in place and Aro's body, which I thought was curious.

"Why wasn't Aro's body blown away?" I asked.

"When we found him he was clutching the ground. So that's probably why he wasn't blown away." Puffin said.

"So his is he still alive?"

"He was, but then his power level dropped to nothing." Brogan said.

"Man, your power level though. I think it was higher than any of our power levels" Alan said. "Then when you went into your Super Kaio-ken form, oh my Super Saiyan Gods, it was just a whole new level of power!"

"Hey Puffin. Recha. When did you guys find us?"

"We came here when we felt several strong power levels. We felt your power level especially. By the way, Chris, and since when did you become a Super Saiyan?"

"Since me." Aro's voice came from the grassy area. I turned to see that he wasn't dead yet and was standing up, swaying in place.

"Well you see, this bastard killed my mother, causing me to turn Super Saiyan. And know he will die." I said with anger, anger that came with his presence still alive. I turned Super Saiyan once more and rushed at him, and smashed my elbow into his face, causing his nose to gush blood. He went flying into a windshield of a car that was still around. I went over to him, lifting him up by his shirt and held him there.

"Do you have any last words to say before you die?" I asked

"Ha ha, you have no idea whats going to happen to you and your friends when you kill me." He coughed up some blood onto my hands, I ignored that and continued to listen to what Aro had to say. "My brother and his hundreds of followers will come here to this town, in a matter of days there will be war. You and your friends will die because my brother's power level is several times higher than mine. That's is all I have to say." I paused and said,

"You will die an honorable death, but you will not die for an honorable cause." And with that I launched Aro in the air, and put both my palms together and pointed them into the sky and yelled the last thing that he would ever hear. "KAMEHAMEHAAAAA!!" A giant blue energy wave came from my hands and flew all the way up to Aro and blasted him to atoms, his energy disappeared with my Kamehameha. His very presence wiped off the face of the Earth.

Thank you for reading thus far. Please stay tuned for the next chapter and have fun.

My Reality (Dbz Fanfic somewhat)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora