Adi's Sacrifice!

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I looked at Adi in disbelief. The kind girl that I met not even an hour ago was replaced with a now VERY pissed off girl. I watched as Tye picked up his arm and put it back on, watching seal together and become a whole arm a again. 

"What do we have here? Another Majin Buu type like me? Interesting."

"You!" Adi said pointing at Tye. "You messed with my friends! And now, you'll pay!" I watched as Adi rushed at him, only to get backhanded, causing her to fly backwards into the the ground. I watched as the ground broke and cracked around where Adi hit the ground.

"Adi!" I got up and turned Super Saiyan and rushed Tye. When I reached him, Drew got there too. We started trowing punches and kicks, but Tye just kept blocking and evading each attack. I threw a punch with my right hand, but he caught it with his left arm. Ducked underneath one of Drew's kicks and flipped me up into the air. I twisted around in the air and saw that Adi was getting up off the ground when Tye launched a Ki blast towards her, but she didn't see it coming. I moved as fast as I could and got in front of her and swatted the blast away. "Are you ok?" I asked Adi.

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"Good. We to get this guy down soon, we won't last long withou-" I was cut of by a male voice.

"Without us?" I turned around and saw that Brogan, Allan, Recha, and Puffin were standing there, all healed and ready to fight.

"Yeah, exactly. Can't do it without you guys." I said. "Now lets do this!" I said powering up as far as I could. All the way up to Super Saiyan two. Everyone else powered up to their max as well. We all rushed towards Tye. We all surrounded him and started punching and kicking while he said,

"Well, this is exciting, two second level Super Saiyans, four regular Super Saiyans, and one Buu. But not one strong enough to beat me"

"We'll see about that!" Allan said. He then looked at Brogan. "Fusion! Now!"

"Right!" They jumped out of the fight and started the dance. However, Tye saw them start this. He shouted and spread his arms outwards and blew the rest of us away. I went flying into the air and came back down, crashing into the ground. I got up quickly and saw that both Allan and Brogan were fighting Tye by themselves. I flew as fast as I could and took Tye by surprise and put him into a full nelson. But he quickly flipped me over his shoulders and kneed me in the back. He then threw me into the ground. Brogan and Allan charged at Tye, only for each of them to get blasted in the chest, making them fly backwards into the ground, breaking it around them. I got up and and saw Puffin and Recha rush at Tye, throwing punches and kicking at his body. He blocked and dodged every attack. Not even one hit on him.

"Dammit." I stood there thinking as Drew came up next to me and asked,

"You got any ideas?"

"Yeah. One. I'm going to distract him for a couple of minutes. I need you and the others to charge up you attacks to the max. Then I need you to fire... no matter what."

"Wait what are you saying? You're going to sacrifice yourself  to stop him?"

"If it comes to that, then yeah. NOW GO!" I yelled as I went up to the very limit my body could handle. Then I pushed even beyond. I watched as Drew went over to the others as Puffin and Recha got blown away by his sheer power. "Hey, asshole!" That got his attention away from the others. I flew straight at him, throwing a punch at max speed, creating a sonic boom. The punch missed as he dodged it by turning left. As I passed him, he kicked me in the gut, making me stop in my tracks. I coughed up some blood, but I continued to throw punches and kicks towards him. He jumped away as I threw a few more punches, missing their targets. He was floating in the air as I continued to grow my power even more. 

My Reality (Dbz Fanfic somewhat)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora