He Returns?!?!

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Drew's P.o.V

I watched as Chris collapse onto the ground after his last attack. I ran over to where he was, he motionless. He wasn't even breathing.

"Chris! Come on man, you gotta wake up!" I rolled him over and saw that his eyes had no life in them. "NO! WAKE UP!" I pushed my hand against his chest and put a burst of energy into him, only to realize it was too late. I got up and looked up into the sky. I screamed in anger and sadness. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I could feel the tears fall down my cheeks as I stood there screaming more and more. I then heard laughter behind me. I turned to see that guy, Tye, was standing there. He was laughing at me, pointing.

"Well, that was close." He said, putting down his finger but still laughing. "If I hadn't launched a piece of me somewhere, I would've died. Oh well. And you were so close too! Well then, I guess that was the last thing he was going to do. Too bad he failed." He started walking towards me, still laughing. "I guess that's what you get if you risk everything on one lousy attack." I stood there, still crying for my best friend. With hatred, I looked straight into Tye's eyes and said,

"You're going to die." He stopped walking and smiled widely. He took a step forward and launched himself towards me. I was still exhausted from putting my full power into the blast from earlier. But I readied myself for him, I turned Super Saiyan two and waited for him to get closer, but it didn't happen, instead the girl from earlier came out of nowhere and kicked Tye in the face making him fly sideways and hit a pile of gravel. I looked at her and said "How are you still alive?"

She looked at me and said, "I kinda did what he did and launched a piece of me in some direction and reformed later." I looked at her angry.

"So where were you when Chris died, huh?!" I felt the tears well up in my eyes again. "You could've helped him! You could've..." I stood there wiping my eyes.

"I couldn't have helped even if I reformed in time. It took me a little bit to reform fully, so I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I wasn't here in time." I looked at her again and saw that she really was sincere for I could see tears in her eyes as well.

"Are you done crying yet? Because if you are, I would like to continue our fight." I turned and saw that Tye was standing up, dusting off his shoulders. I felt the Allan and the others come up behind me and stop. I felt them turn Super Saiyan and readied themselves for battle. I turned my head slightly to the left so I could speak to Puffin.

"Puffin take Chris' body and put him somewhere where he won't get damaged. Then hurry back here."

"Al-alright" She said, as she picked up Chris' corpse and flew away as fast as she could. Tye smiled wide, and thrusted his hand towards Puffin, launching a Ki blast the size of a house. But the girl, Adi as I recalled, jumped in front of it and swatted it away from Puffin. It flew off somewhere into the mountains, exploding.

"Guys, you need to go to the next level, if you can." I looked at the others. "Use emotion to change."

"Yeah we know." Allan said. I started to feel all of their power levels rise. "FOR CHRIS!!!" I heard Allan yell. The others responded by yelling the same. All at the same time, they turned. I was surprised that it happen. And all of them stood there, waiting to fight. I turned back and looked at Tye, seeing a crazy smile on his face.

"I guess it's time, huh? Well then. Let's go!" He flew towards all of us, raising his Ki. We did the same. We were about to meet up in the center, when I saw Puffin's flying body come between us all, crashing into the ground. "What took you so long?" I heard Tye yell towards someone to his right. I turned and saw that the worst thing to happen came true. There, a tall figure stood, with a wicked smile on his face.

"No... No! We killed you! We saw you're body vaporize!" I stood there in shock. Broly had returned. Broly just stood there laughing.

"You thought that your little fusion could kill me? You thought wrong! However, you did injure me greatly. I actually did almost die. But that won't be a problem, will it, little bro?" I watched as Tye pointed a finger toward Broly. In an instant he was healed. Broly then turned into his Legendary state, and then into Super Saiyan three. The ground around him started to crack and break. Lightning crackled around him. I watched in awe as the living terror known as Broly powered up. "Just as I thought, not a problem" I saw Puffin got up and turned Super Saiyan two just like the rest of us. I was shaking, but I came up with a plan. I turned to the others.

"Guys you need to fuse, now." I said. I looked at Broly and Tye as I took a fighting stance. "I'll try my best to hold them off. Now, do it!" I heard Allan and Brogan say "Right" as they started to the fusion dance.

"Fuuuuuu-." They got in position. "-Sion." They got their fingers touching. "HAAA" Then, before us, stood a warrior that was nearly as strong as mine and Chris' fusion. "Look here, Broly. I'm Brolan and I'm not going to hold back our power from the start. In fact, I'm going all out!" I watched as Brolan powered up to their max. Lightning sparking around them. I looked at Puffin and Recha.

"Now you guys fuse." They nodded in agreement. They started their fusion dance and after a little bit, stood a new female warrior.

"I guess I'm going all out as well. Oh and by the way, the name's Puffcha." I stood there as Puffcha powered up to her max as well. I just stood there, amazed that both of them were nearly as strong as Dris. I looked over to Adi. As she powered up to her max, on par with both Puffcha's and Brolan's power, who were pretty damn close to Broly's power level. I turned my eyesight to Tye as I powered up to my max as well. My power wasn't nowhere near the others, but I had to give it my all. So I pushed as hard as I could and became more powerful than I ever was before. But still nowhere enough. I couldn't fight with this power. I started to strain my body. I looked up to Tye and said. "Are you ready for the fight of your life?" He just smiled and said,

"Sure dude, whatever you say." He powered up to his max as well, and the whole area around us was shaking and breaking because of all of the power being put out. I smiled and charged straight towards Tye, as did Adi. The others went towards Broly. But then I saw a gleam of light come from the cloudy, black sky, followed by screaming. I recognized the scream.

"No way." We all stopped in our tracks as we felt a power level rise to unbelievably high level. And there before us he stood. With waist long golden hair, no eyebrows and with a very pissed off look on his face. I felt the tears come back. But this time they were tears of happiness.

Thank you for all of those who STILL continue the reading of this story. It means a lot to me, honestly. Again, is it good so far? Pleeeeeeease tell me! I hope you guys do think it is good so far. I'm trying my best! I promise more is on the way!! Be prepared... FOR MORE EXPLOSIVE ACTION!! HELLLLL YEEEEEAH!!

My Reality (Dbz Fanfic somewhat)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora