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        "Ugh" That's all I could say. My face was in the soft wet dirt. Wet because my blood was leaking out of my wounds, making a small pool around me. I struggled to get up to one knee. My energy was nearly depleted. As I wiped the blood from my eyes I saw a horrific site.

        "No..." The city, my home, was in ruins. Flames burned around me. I didn't know how long I was out or what had become of my friends. My friends. Quickly, I looked around and saw what was a nightmare. All of them, Puffin, Allan, Brogan, Recha, all of their Ki levels was almost down to nothing. But they were not dead, not yet.

        But I didn't see Drew. Then, I felt a burst of Ki and explosion and then I felt a Ki drop. I recognized this particular Ki.

        "Drew!" I jumped into the air and hovered for a minute then floated back down. I took out a brown sack and looked inside. Five, five senzu beans left. I put one senzu bean in each of my four friends hands'. Then I turned into a Super Saiyan and jumped into the air and flew towards the location of the explosion.

        On the way there I was having flashbacks of the past battles that my friends and I had all the way up to this battle. All the fun we've had and all the sad times, all of us created Saiyans. Fueled with new determination I flew faster to continue this fight and to win it.

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