A New Warrior Emerges!

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Broly took a step forward and he was instantly in front of us. He smiled in a way that made him look hungry. Hungry for a fight.

"So, do you still think you can win this?" He laughed at us. Then I did something unexpected. I smiled at him. He stopped laughing and made a confused look on his face. "Why do you smile when you know that you're going to die?"

"Because I'm not going to die, not today anyway." I said. "Hey, do you knoew the weakness of every male?"


"THEIR BALLS!" Then did something else unexpected, I kicked the mighty Broly in the balls. His face was priceless to look at, but I didn't have time to look at it long. I looked at Drew. "Go back to your base form! We're doing fusion!" I said while Broly fell on his knee's, grabbing his crotch.

"Right!" Drew turned back into his base form at the same time I did. We took our poses while Broly yelled at us.

"YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS, YOU HEAR!?" We ignored him and continued with the dance. In unison we spoke.

"Fuuuuuuuu-" We got closer, "-sion!" We did the final stance and accomplished our goal. "HAAAA!" I felt our energies join together, and then we became one being.


I opened my eyes. Me, a all new type of warrior, with one intention in mind, to destroy Broly. I looked apron him while he was getting up from the blow dealt to him before I was created.

"You will die for that, Chris." Broly said. My eye twitched when he said that.

"I'm not Chris nor Drew, I'm Dris!" I shouted at him, making energy pulsate form me so much that it blew Adi back a little bit. "Adi, take the others out of this battlefield. Get them to safety, I'll deal with Broly."

"But I-" She started to talk but I gave her an angry look.

"Do it. NOW!" I shouted as I turned just in time to see Broly launch a Ki blast in my direction. I smiled as I turned Super Saiyan and deflected the blast with a swipe of my hand. It went flying into a group of Broly's remaining goons, instantly incinerating them. Broly then flew at me at unimaginable speed. He stopped in front of me and punched me in the stomach with such force that the hit lifted me into the air. Broly then punched me in the face while I was in mid-air, making me fly backwards through buildings and walls.

I stopped myself after going through five buildings and floated back down to the ground. I stopped for a second felt for Broly's Ki and I found him. I jumped backwards as Broly came down from the sky and drop-kicked the ground where I was previously standing. Broly looked at me and smiled.

"You are the first one in a long time who is actually able to dodge my attacks. Only my master was able to do that." Broly said to me.

"Your master?" I asked.

"Yes, he was the only one to be my equal. And that was while he was holding back his power." He paused a second. " He probably will be here soon to help me take over." He smiled in an even more creepy way.

"Too bad when he comes here you won't be alive." I said and I charged at him. I kept in mind of the time I had left to defeat Broly. I had twenty-five minutes left. I stopped in front of Broly and swung at his head with my right fist. He dodged my attack by leaning back. While my arm was still in a swinging motion, Broly grabbed me by my arm and pulled me off of my feet, swinging me over his his head and smashing me into the ground, but out didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Still holding onto my arm, Broly swung me around and around and then threw me across the battlefield.

As I was thrown, I heard a loud cheer rise up. I forced myself to stop in mid-air and looked around. All around me, Broly's men stood around us to watch the fight between me and him. A fight to the death.

"DO YOU WANT THIS BOY TO DIE FOR HIS RETALIATION AGAINST US?!" Broly asked shouting to the crowd around us. Another roar rose up. I took a stance and looked at broly, waiting for him to make a move. He stood there for a minute. Suddenly, he disappeared. It was a good thing that I kept a lock on Broly's Ki. I could feel him come up behind me. I jumped into the air and dodged his fist that was aimed at the  back of my head. I looked down below me to see Broly was flying upwards at me.

I flew up higher and stretched my arms out in front of me and put my palms together.

"BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA!!" I screamed and a blast that was blue shot out of my hands, hit Broly square in the chest, making him and the blast travel down to the ground, exploding on impact. This made a dome of energy surround Broly. The mob of people that surrounded Broly and I a minute ago were instantly incinerated inside the dome of energy. I hoped that Adi got my friends out of there before I did that. As the smoke cleared, I saw Broly stand up  with a big bruise on his chest, anger flaming in his eyes. 

He reached a hand out in front of him and started charging his Ki. Soon, a giant, two story size energy ball was in front of him.  So much energy was put into the energy ball that the ground beneath it was dissolving.

"Let's see if you can handle this!" Broly yelled. He then launched the energy ball at me with amazing speed. When it reached me, I grabbed it with my hands to stop it, but it pushed me back at the same speed it came with. I could feel my body going through several buildings. I tried stopping it harder, it slowed down but not by much. Then the blast exploded and I went flying to the ground, crashing into it. I got up in a daze, shaking off the pain. I looked around and saw that I was standing in crater. It took up the place I was standing at, the western part of the city was gone. And so were any of the remaining people.

I clenched my fists in anger. I had twenty minutes to kill him. It was my fault. All the people in the area were dead because I wasn't fighting at full power. Well no more. I would not hold back any longer.

"NO MORE!" I screamed as I broke the Super Saiyan barrier and went Super Saiyan two. Broly appeared in front of me, smiling.

"Well since your going full power, maybe I should too." He said. Then he yelled and his aura grew larger. His power level rose and then stopped. We were equal in power. We charged at each other and our fists connected in an explosion of energy. The final round had begun. 

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