Ch 33: Those spiteful red eyes \ The "emergency plan"

Start from the beginning

That something was wrong.

America's expression twisted into a grin and Russia's heart dropped.

This isn't America.

Russia furrowed his brows and stood up straighter, feeling tension and unease prick at his mind like how a cactus would prick your finger, "You aren't America, are you?"

"America's" grin grew wider at the comment and he opened his eyes, revealing pitch-black eyes with red pupils that seemed to glow faintly. He smirked, the colors of his flag shifting and swirling before settling on a red background, a blue "x" with a white outline on top of that background, and thirteen white stars on the "x."

He spoke, his voice low, like something you would hear in your worst nightmares, "You've never been more right, Russia."

Many states froze upon seeing him while many others bristled, one of the southern states shouting out, "Get rid of those stars, bitch! We don't work with you anymore!"

His gaze raked over all the people surrounding him, taking a close look around him before settling on the state who shouted that out, Tennessee. His eyes started glowing an even brighter red as he started walking towards Tennessee threateningly, "We'll see about that, hm?"

Russia, quickly realizing he should probably protect America's kids, growled and punched the nameless guy right in the jaw, knocking him down to the ground. He had to protect the states. If he can just get them to merge, then America will have come back! He can't risk any of them being hurt. His heart was barely staying together as it was, and losing America forever... that would shatter it, "Who are you and what have you done to America?!"

"My name is the Confederate States of America, but you can call me 'boyfriend killer.'" Confederate smirked, gingerly touching his punched jaw before standing back up. His smirk became smug in nature, "Oh, wait, no, that's what I would've been called if I had given you the time to respond to America's 'confession.' Oops, sorry about that."

Russia felt anger flood him. This fucking bitch. Blinded by rage and anger, Russia went in for another punch, this time aiming for Confederate's throat.

Confederacy, however, noticing how much at a disadvantage he was, raked his gaze across everyone in the room, looking for an escape. He couldn't beat a world power without all of the states.

... Oh shit, the states!

He has America's body! So that means... Confederate grinned. That means he can just force the states and territories to unite with him! As long as they touch physically, of course.

Man, this'll be like stealing candy from a baby.

Quickly dodging Russia's punch, Confederacy ran around him, straight towards the largest group of states. DC, who was near that cluster of states, seemed to be following Confederate's train of thought, however, because his eyes widened and he hastily yelled out, "Run! He has America's body! He can force you to join him!"

Confederate scoffed. Of course. There goes his element of surprise. The cluster of states, looking partially torn between staying and running, chose to scatter, revealing a now freed Puerto Rico. Confederate mentally shrugged, Puerto Rico will have to do, I guess.

Plucking Puerto Rico up from the ground by the collar of his shirt, Confederate ran to the window, sparing a glance behind him to see an enraged Russian chasing him. Feeling whatever fragments of his demented heart clench in fear, Confederate jumped out of the window, shattering the glass, landing successfully on the pavement, and terrifying the nearby pedestrians.

Scoffing at all the terrified "Yankees" around him, he ducked into an alley, making sure to take the most confusing route through them as he could.

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