Chapter VII: The Race

Start from the beginning

Oof. I feel bad for her. It's not that Natuto isn't nice, he is, it's just that he'll just take her out for ramen and then who knows. Its definitely not gonna be most peoples idea of a romantic time. Besides, she kinda hates him, so she wont enjoy it at all. Whatever, not my place to intervene. I saw Sasuke smirk and realized he was thinking the same thing, he just didn't feel bad for her. This team really does need to work on their teamwork, it's pretty horrendous as of now.

"Sasuke. What were you planning on having me do? I can tell you're not just disappointed for losing to someone, but also because you wanted something out of it and didn't get what you wanted. So, what is it?" I asked, making them all look at me and the glance at Sasuke.

"I was going to have you teach me Hiraishin. It would have made me powerful, extremely so." He confessed.

"Well, you would have had to change that one. I would've refused." He was about to interrupt, but I held up a hand and continued, "First of all, I don't have clearance to teach it to people, it is a forbidden technique after all. And second, would you be able to handle feeling as though you were ripping your body in half? And potentially actually doing so, or tearing apart internal organs. The first time I tried I had bad internal bleeding and would've died if not for my Oji-san healing me. I do not have the medical skills to save you, should that happen, and neither does anyone else in the village."

He seemed to understand, and begrudgingly agreed with my reasoning. Naruto said stuff about how awesome it was that I knew a forbidden technique and that he was jealous. When I told him that he knew one as well he was confused, so I told him what the Kage Bunshin technique was classified as and he freaked out. He reminds me of a small child most of the time... Sakura just gushed over Sasuke as we waited for Kakashi to actually arrive.

I felt Kakashi arrive just as a poof of smoke appeared out of nowhere, clearing to reveal the one and only man with gravity-defying silver hair. Naruto and Sakura yelled "You're late!" At the same time, Sasuke hned, and I just waved. Those two really shouldn't expect anything less of the great Copy Cat Ninja, I mean, I've been here a week and this is completely normal.

"Alright, Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto." He addressed the three and they straightened a bit, "Today I'll be having you three fight Azami, and then me. For me to pass you for this each of you has to land one hit, three hits total. You have till noon. That's it, easy enough, right?" He asked with a close eyed smile.

"Heck yeah! We can do this, believe it! It's gonna be easy, dattebayo!" Naruto shouted, throwing a fist in the air with a giant smile.

"Hn, I dont know about you Dobe but I can do it no problem." Sasuke said, dismissing the challenges, causing me to smirk.

"Yeah, Sasuke-kun is going to do amazingly, because he's so cool!" Sakura squealed, if she added chakra to her vocal cords that could be a terrifying attack.

"Anyway, I'll give you three ten minutes to come up with a strategy against me, then we fight. After that you get half an hour rest and lunch, and then you fight Kakashi." I informed them.

I walked over and sat next to Kakashi who was leaning against a tree, he just nodded to me and I asked, "So, what are you reading?"

He immediately coughed and turned red, then he disappeared to the hokage monument in a poof of smoke. The genin were confused but I just used the Hiraishin seal I put on him earlier during the week to get him again. Apparently he didn't know I had one on him so he ran as fast as he could, and since he's faster than me I waited for his chakra to stop moving and teleported to him again, trying to steal the book. This went on for quite a while, and when I finally gave up for the day I realized it was about twenty minutes longer than what I said I'd give them, so much for that.

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