chapter 25

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Hasminto couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to see her again. He only recently got out of hospital and the thought of that other guy was ruining him.

He was a skeleton! Bone!

What was the appeal? What did he have that he didn't? He knew her longer! What was he missing?

He's got personality, charm, good looks and a stable job.

He was a perfect package!

Was Yagi rich? No - he shouldn't be thinking of (Y/N) like that. She wouldn't stoop low to only be with someone for money. Here he was trying to plan how win her over and he was already thinking like this.

Shame washed over him. Adjusting his shirt as he continued his long strides down the street. Anxious to reach her workplace before she clocked out.

Why was it knowing he couldn't have her make her more desirable? She was already the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. The way her round cheeks glow when embarrassed, her little hands able to hold so much, the way she cares and worries about people.

She was like a saint. She could be sassy and playful when she was comfortable. Especially online; all her spunk was so clear. If she didn't hold back he was sure her attitude would strike his heart.

But her warm small and caring ways? It made him swoon! Even before he saw photos of her. There was something about her that drew him in.

With a big puff of air he closed his eyes, forcing the door open as he threw himself in.



Toichi was met with an old cranky voice. His eyes snapping open as he looked down at the old woman.

"You must be Chiho-sama, where's (Y/N)?"

"You'll refer to me as boss!" She smacked the man's leg. "She's already gone home."

Chiho grumbled as she trudged through the store, going on about wanting her male friends to stop coming to her shop.

She was already gone?!

The scruffy male sulked. Dramatically sighing as his whole body slumped. He turned to the older woman, tilting his head to the side.

"Did she mention meeting up with anyone?" He asked.

Chiho sighed, turning around with a small glare. "No, but that tall skeleton keeps coming by - she's lucky I'm letting her close so early." 

"Close early? Wait he's been walking her home? When did this happen"

"When that friend of hers was in hospital, (Y/N) wouldn't stop complaining to me about how worried she was, asking for days off to see him."

He felt relief seeing how worried she was for him. Even without feeling the same she was willing to face her fierce boss just to see him.

The male nodded, thanking her before walking out. Hands in pockets as he decided if should go back home or not. He hummed to himself; taking our his phone.

He dialed her in number, waiting patiently for her to answer.

A few rings went by and he heard a shaky breath come from the other side of the phone. His whole body freeze.


There was a pause. The sound of sniffles echoing in his ear.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" She asked, it sounded like she was holding back tears.

"No! I'm fine, are you okay?"

"I'm great! Im- I'm fine! Amazing-"

Suddenly, there was a harsh sob coming from her.

"I've been trying so- so- so hard....I want to be good enough, Toichi, I don't know what you see- see in me but I can't do this! I'm not good enough!"

"Where are you?"

"At home..."

"Send me your address, I'm coming over."

There was a crash from her end. She let out a panicked yelp as she forced back her tears.

"No!! Don't come over!!"

"You're worrying me-"

"Just stay on the phone with me? I don't-"

"You need someone to be there for you, let me help."

"You can by staying away-" she gasped at her words. "From my home! I mean! I just don't want anyone coming round!"

"What happened, (Y/N)? if you've done something I won't judge you."

Before either of them could respond a worried voice came from her end. It was a man.

"Who's with you?" Toichi asked.

"A friend..."

"Is it the guy? The one you like?"

She didn't respond. Sighing as her voice came back softly.

"Can we not get into this....I shouldn't of wasted your time-"

"I called you first, did he do something? Has he hurt you?"

"No!!! No!! He hasn't done anything! I'm just upset with myself!"

"Is that why I can't come over..?"

She let out another sigh, agreeing seconds after.

"I don't care if he's there, I'm going there for you and only you."

"I'm fine now, see? I've even stopped crying."

"I still want to make sure you're okay."

"I'll text you, okay?"



It was Hasimotos turn to sigh. Scratching the back of his head as he turned to the side. Staring at the road, watching the few cars driving by.

He didn't want to go. He wanted to make sure she was okay. Tell her she's good enough. Remind her how amazing she was.

Was she going to let that Yagi guy be there for her? Would he be the one to wipe away her tears?

This wasn't going as good as he planned. He wanted to see her but she was pushing him away. Why? Because of that guy? Was the guy protective or something?

Why couldn't he be there for her?

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