chapter 22

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Ever since the evening with the detective and Toshi, I've been more reluctant to leave my home. Hoping to be able to make up excuses to Chiho that couldn't come to work.

Tragically, I have to go to work. No one approached or looked at me when I walked here, just blending into the crowd. Disappearing into the sea of people before arriving at my workplace.

"Chiho-sama! Why can't someone else work my shift?"

The old woman only let out a noise of distress, tying my apron around my waist. Smacking my head with gloves as she bickered, forcing me to leave the comfort of the back room and into the front of the store.

"St-stop it! I'll work! I'll work! I'm sorry!"

"You can't be slacking off, I don't care how many men you've been being a floozy with! You don't have any excuse to come into my shop tired and complaining!"

Floozy?!!! I was not a floozy!!! My cheeks puffed out as they went scarlet red. I would never- I haven't even-!

"What does men have to do with any of this?!"

"They're ruining your concentration!"

I got one last slap with her gardening gloves before she trudged to the back. Grumbling about the youth of today and my lack of appreciation.

I sighed, rubbing my head as I went behind the counter. As I waited for costumer's I let out another sigh then another. My sighs becoming more dragged out and louder. I could hear Chihos feet stomped along in the back.

What I didn't expect for a cube of chalk to bash against the side of my head, the sudden impact almost making me stumble. I cried out, apologizing to her.

Soon enough the bell rung, I whipped around putting on my costumer service face and waved. Patiently waiting for the woman to approach before I talked, watching her slowly glide through the shop.

She didn't seem that interested, just eyeing each of them before coming to a counter. Her shades covered her eyes, she was dress formally. She looked stunning.

"What can I help you with?"

"Are you (L/N) (Y/N)?"

I gulped, nerves wracking me as I nodded. Hesitant to respond as I stared at her up and down.

"I'm Josei Kisha, a journalist for a local newspaper, you've been quite active with the hero world."

"Excuse me?"

"You got attacked by a quirk killer, had many meetings with the number one hero if your own home AND from an inside source it seems you've also been to UA under his request."

My hands trembled, eyes widening as she leaned close. Keeping her voice soft - this was just for her and me. She knew about me and was definitely what the detective warned me about. I swallowed down my fear as I glared at her.

"If you're not buying anything please leave."

"And now your seen held hostage by a petty criminal and escorted home by all might, him carrying you in his arms and then disappearing into your home, no one seeing him leave."

"I said leave."

"We know you had a detective over aswell for whatever reason - tell me (Y/N), can I call you that?"

"No, that's only for friends."

"Ah, so he's your friend? I've heard him call you that when taking you home, so you two must be close."

I was completely cornered. she knew too much for any lie I could muster up. Could I even lie? She was looking at me so intensely, her shades lowered to reveal her piercing gaze.

"Is it true your having an affair with him? You see, this is a big scoop and can get me prompted in my job, you must understand how hard it is to be a woman - especially with a small quirk, don't you want to help a sister out?"

"I'm no hero, miss, I don't help people."

My calm, cold facade was cracking. I couldn't keep this up forever. Why is this happening? I just wanted to go home. Why did it lead to this? I don't want to be some love affair mistress in the eyes of the public. I wanted to be unseen. Apart of the crowd. I wanted to remain the way I was. The way I am.

"But you can be, help me get this story and I'll help you."

"There's nothing you can help me with."

"I think there is, you can become famous! You'll be able to afford anything you want - the public will adore you!"

My brow raised, a massive frown on my face.

"You'll be a model for all the young women across Japan, being big is beautiful and despite your looks you can even get a celebrity like all might wrapped around your finger."


"You'll be an inspiration for young girls! Beauty will be rethought, you'll be able to give yourself a whole new look and bundles of cash!"

Inspiration? Could my presence in the media really do that? The thought of being able to help people with their image was heart throbbing; I'm not where I need to with my confidence and acceptance but like Toichi said "you're good enough." I needed to believe that and so does so many others.

But I wasn't some love affair. Sure we were friends (I guess?) But there wasn't much of a story. I wouldn't lie about my relationship with all might just for some cash or fame. Getting money was very tempting; I always needed money but being famous? It just isn't for me.

I don't want to be in the spot light.

"I've got no story for you, there's nothing going on between us."

She kissed her teeth, obviously annoyed. Her hand wiped back her hair and she handed me a card.

"Think about this, okay? I know you're worried but this could be your big moment."

She walked out, a confident stride out as if she wasn't just rejected. The door closing behind her.

I sighed, whole body slumping until another cube of chalk hit me in the head.



obsession to the heart [all might x reader] DISCONTINUEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum