chapter 7

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                    Hero training

Thursday has arrived! I felt giddy with a nervous feeling swirling in my senses. Going to UA? my dream school? I could feel the excitement bubbling up as I tugged on the strap of my purse. I have everything right? In the post I was given a school map and a badge to get in - I'm sure I have those…do I have my other belongs? With haste I searched my purse only to sigh in relief to see I had everything. Stop worrying (Y/N) just go to UA! and so I did just that.

The walk to the school wasn't too exhausting; to my relief as I didn't want to look like a sweaty mess Infront of everyone. Finally, I went up to the school steal door seeing it was I knew getting in wasn't going to be easy so I made sure to put on my badge and inhaled a nervous breath. I pressed the intercom and leaned forward slightly so my quite voice - due to how nervous I was - could be heard.

"H-hello? I am a guest to visit today. My name is (L/N) (Y/N) - uh…all might asked me to come today. I hope I haven't mixed anything up or being an inconvenience…"

oh my GOD! I SOUND PATHETIC! but what did I expect? everything about the school was so intimidating; the size, it's reputation, the amount of powerful heros in there aswell as the students. I could feel myself transform into jelly due to my shaking from the nerves.

After entering, I headed straight inside the school; where I saw a few stray student's coming back from the bathroom or taking papers to another classroom for their teachers. I'm guessing it was lesson time so I wasn't surprised I couldn't get a nice view of all the different students. Taking out the school map I made my journey to the principles office as I wanted to make sure everything was fine before I just waltzed around to find all might.

As soon as I found it I tucked the map away with a small inhale, knocking on the door I heard a small voice invite me in. I opened the door to see the principle- it was a  Mouse? I mean there are loads of mutation quirks bit I didn't expect this. Blinking realising I was staring at him I quickly bowed.

"I-im sorry! I'm the guest for today! (L/N) (Y/N)!"

the principle giggled as I was told to stand up.

"And I'm the principle! It's wonderful to meet you miss (L/N)!"

It- he cheered with a beaned paw reached out for a handshake which I quickly took.

He questioned me as 'a short interrogation' but i didn't mind. I was told to leave and had a teacher to guide me to all mights class which I was thankful for and appreciated deeply - I really didn't want to look like an idiot just wondering around hoping to get around quickly.

I bowed as we arrived before knocking on the door and slid it open slowly. All might was standing proud as he was grinning at the students.

"Ah! Welcome miss (L/N)! I see your doing well-"

I nodded by head as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Now students I would like to introduce to you, your assistance teacher for the day. She was apart of a serious attack against the quirk killer and she showed great courage against him! So I asked her to come here to assist you learning about nature quirks and help you train aswell as by me!"

I was surprised how he could talk for that long but then again a teacher and hero must be use to it. The students cheered but I noticed a few weren't enthusiastic with my company.

obsession to the heart [all might x reader] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now