chapter 12

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You're good enough

Toichi grinned, pulling his two seated bike into view. I placed my phone into my pocket, a lingering feeling of guilt for not being able to meet up with Toshi but pushed it back and returned  his grin.

"What do you think? Perfect for two~"

I smiled, lacing my hands together and circled the bike.

"Looks good, when did you get it?"

"My sister bought it, she wanted me to go around the city with her more often." He rubbed the back of his neck, cheeks slightly flushed.

"Well I'd be an honour to ride your sisters bike."

"Don't say it like that! It's my bike two!"

I just laughed. He was obviously embarrassed but he was always known for how well he bounced back.

Pausing, I thought of were to go sit. The back felt safer and I didn't have to keep my eyes off the road ahead to see him but then he blocked all the views. I'm sure if I brought it up he would reply with "I am the view"

I let out a small laugh which caught his attention. He asked what was on my mind, bending down slightly to be at completely at my height. He wasn't tall like Toshi but was a few inches taller than me.

"I'm not sure where to sit."

"Well you know I'm always ready to let a woman take the lead."

He wiggled his brows, softly grabbing my hips and leaned forward. I let out a stutter of nervous laughter. Patting his chest as I shuffled back.

"Don't be silly!" With a red face I quickly moved to the bike.

I sat on the back, he went Infront, turning to me slightly with a grin. "Hold on, dude! I'm going to peddle faster than the speed of light!"

"You wish your quirk was super speed, you won't get far with my peddling."

And so we were off. Riding down Japan's street's, the sun's glow was on my skin. The sun was beautiful...

If I could of I would of slapped my cheeks. Harshly dismissing all thoughts of him of my mind. I was spending time with a friend!

Hasimoto skidded to a stop causing me to let out a screech. I hastily grabbed his shoulders, leaning him back.

"Why did you stop?"

He gently placed a hand ontop of mine, looking at me from the corner of his eye. His scruffy face just brushing against my cheek.

"I found something you'll like."

I raised a brow, peering over his shoulder to see a gazebo surrounded by cherry blossom trees. Petals littering the floor and the bright shine of the light giving everything a honey glow.

"It's beautiful!"

Climbing off, I excitedly jumped up and down; I've never felt this excited since I was a kid. He placed the bike close by before taking my hand, leading me through the tunnel of trees.

We looked at the horizon with a smile, he placed his bag down and pulled out two bottles of beer.

"Want one?"

I hesitated; I wasn't much of a drinker but one bottle wouldn't hurt. I accepted and struggled to open the cap.

"Why not use one of the plants? I'm sure they'll be happy to help ya."

Rolling my eyes I continued my struggle. "I won't use them for something so silly."

He chuckled, helping me open my bottle before going to his one. Taking a gulp and leaned on the stone railings.

We talked about everything; our lives have been, recalling tales from our childhood, laughing at jokes and rambling on about who knows what. He was a chill guy, just sat on the floor listening to me with a smile.

He matched the aura his texts gave off perfectly. I was still in slight disbelief I was getting to meet a friend closer to my age, I loved Midoriya but he was too young to always hang out with him besides he had school.

I was so thankful to just be able to have this rare and wonderful opportunity. My smile never faltered.

"I've got plans for the future."

"Oh? What kind?" I asked, coming back to the conversion.

"I'm going to make my own fast food chain! Become famous, get all that cash I can spoil my wife with it."

"And when would you marry? I don't really see you as that type- ah! I mean! You're so laid back I just can't imagined seeing you doing something so formal!"

He laughed, gulping down another mouthful of beer. It was his fifth bottle while I was on my third now, just opening it. I kept talking so much I couldn't really take a moment to drink mine.

"I wanna settle down at one point, I already know this amazing women - a real treat she is."

I let out an interested 'oooh~' curious to know more.

"I want to get married right here when the sun sets so I can see her features be illuminated just before I kiss her."

"Sounds real romantic, whoever she is she's going to be really lucky."

"She will be, I promise to make her the happiest woman in the world." He looked at me as he spoke, a soft gaze.

I felt abit flustered at his stare, perhaps it was the talk of romance or the attention but I could sense something from this whole situation but I wasn't sure what.

"Well I'm not sure if I wanna be married, the guy I've been talking to has been really sweet but I have alot of things I want to change about myself."

"Like what? You're amazing!"

I pushed back a strand, licking my lips with nerves.

"Well I wanna get slimmer and learn to better fend for myself so I can make him happy, he wouldn't need to endlessly worry about me."

"Get slimmer? If he loves you then he wouldn't care about your weight."

"I know but I just don't feel good enough-"

My friend cupped my face, leading my distance gaze over to him. He had completely turned to me with a determined expression.

"You will always be good enough."

Tears bubbled up, threatening to spill as my heart clenched. "Thank you."

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