chapter 14

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He whipped around, our eyes meeting as he smiled. His smile was brighter than his hair, eyes shining that beautiful blue. Like water from the crystal pond.

"You called me, is something wrong?" His smile turned into a look of concern.

"I wanted to go out! I've decided to make some changes in my life and need someone to help me shop!"

"Shop?" He tilted his head to the side, it was adorable.

"I'm redecorating my room!"

He paused before his smile returned. Clicking his fingers as he recalled something. "you did send me a picture, what's the occasion?"

We descended down the street, walking side by side. I looked like a child next to him, he was stupidly tall even with his slouch. I was beaming, buzzing with excitement. It was refreshing to see him and now I felt more confident in my new change I wanted to make sure what I was planning is going to be ok.

I need to make sure I was completely sure I wanted to see Toshi more seriously. If we were going to keep knowing each other I want to make sure it's a good decision to want this to go further.

One day just maybe I was going to be my boyfriend. I was definitely smitten with him but right now - I wanted to see how it was being his friend.

Friends can hold hands and kiss if the moment calls for it, right?

Mentally shaking my head I slapped my cheeks. Refocusing on the conversation at hand.

"After meeting Toichi I've realized I'm a grown woman, one day I will get married and be with someone special, I'm going to need to make sure what's left of my youth is memorable."

"You're not that old, (Y/N), but I admire your new confidence."

Right like this wasn't all just a trick. The truth is I'm shaking! Being bolder, more happy and confident is going to take time and if I'm really going to be doing this then I need to fake it until I make it - that's what everyone tells me.

"Don't you- don't you want to know who Toichi is?"

Why did I ask that?! Why would he be interested?!

He perked up slightly, thinking for a moment before shaking his head.

"He's a friend, right? Unless he's done something I don't need to know - who you spend time with doesn't matter to me unless it gets you hurt."

His cheeks were set aflame, scratching his cheek as he looked off to the dtisnce. My owns cheeks went red at his words.

I'm not good enough for him! He's too sweet! I didn't want anything to ruin this sweet moment but I had a nagging worry.

I was worried that I'd run into all Might, sure we've agreed to keep distance but it's going to be awkward. Whenever I hear my window open or a knock on my door my heart skips a beating. Apart of me hoping it was him.

I missed his laughter and sweet attitude. He was so bright! Everything just seemed to glow in his presence.

But I like Toshi and need to keep that in check, I can't keep chasing of dreams about being with someone FAR out of my league. Now I can be happy with getting close to someone who really wants to get to know me.

At least...I hope. God keeping this confidence is hard. What if he really doesn't like me that way? Or doesn't want to go further? Was he busy today? Did he stop doing something important just to be nice? Does he pity me?

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?"

Forcing a smile I felt myself sweat, nodding my head. "Of course! Just excited!"

He nodded, remaining silent but from the look in his eyes I was sure he could suspect something. He was amazing like that. Always observant.

Taking his hand in mine I almost fainted at the size difference, giddy with awe. I went speeding down the street, laughing as he spluttered out words of protest and blood. Both of us dashing to the shops like kids.

He wheezed as we finally stopped, leaning against the wall as he gained back his breath. Finding it much quicker than I could; I was completely out of breath. Not use to that much running.

Toshi tilted his head, crouching down slightly to be more eye level without having to knee down on the ground.

"Are you- alright?" He was still somewhat tired but was recovering.

"Yeah-! Just regretting running..." I let out a sigh disappointed in myself.

Self conscious by my lack of fitness - Toshi definitely can't like someone like me. I'm a panting mess after running down the street! I bet I look so ridiculous!

He waited for me to take one more shaky breath before a sprung up, sending him a thumbs up and a smile. He lightly blushed and returned the gesture, grabbing my hand continued to walk.

I stared up at him; his warm blonde locks gently blowing back with the breeze, the glow from his cheeks almost as bright as his eyes. His face looked so soft despite all the sharp edges.

Ignoring the stares from the others we walked into the shop, my heart thumping as I tightened my grasp on his hand.

obsession to the heart [all might x reader] DISCONTINUEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu