Chapter Fourteen

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I tapped my pen on my desk off contemplating on calling Alysia. I was supposed to have writing a paper but I couldn’t concentrate. You would think I was fuckin her the way she was on mind, but I think she deserved to know what went down and got an understanding of how long ago it was. I looked at my vibrating phone and contemplated on answering. It was Marcus. I hadn’t spoken to him since the end of the following semester. He and his wife were to be going down south to visit his in-laws and I broke him off with some holiday coochie before we had parted ways. 

 “Hello,” I answered. I put my pen down and went and lay on my bed. I had already faced the fact that I wasn’t gonna get any work done.

 “You busy?” He asked in a whisper.

“I’m supposed to be finishing up this paper, but I can’t seem to concentrate.” I heard the locks click on the door. 

“I want you tonight, I’m horny as fuck.” He admitted. 

“I don’t have any money to get on that side tonight,” he cursed under his breath, and then there was silence on the other end. Alysia stood by the door. She was taking off her coat. 

“I’ll be by there to come get you.” 

“Alright, I’ll see you tonight.” I hung up. I smiled up at Alysia.

“I ran into Xavier, he said you really needed to talk to me. He said it was important.” Xavier and I had been talking for a little over a month, just taking the time to really get to know one another. Trusting him was something that I was slowly beginning to do and it scared me. I never had to trust a man before. 

“I really just wanted to make sure you were okay. I miss you and I want to apologize for not telling you before you got with him about our history. It was before I met you; a drunken night at a party freshman year. I swear that was the only time.” I quickly said. In the midst of my rant she went and sat down on her old bed. I really wanted her to forgive me. I needed her to forgive me. 

“I’m not even sweatin it anymore Brook. It took me a minute but I got over it probably last month. I was hurt. What female want to know that her friends know how her man is packin and how he fucks.”

“Alysia it was so long ago and I then fucked so many niggas since then that I don’t even remember.” She giggled. I smiled. “Can we be besties again?” I asked.

“I guess so,” I jumped up out of my seat.

“Yay, come here bitch.” She laughed as I snatched her out of her seat. Out of my nervousness I hadn’t noticed the budge that her flat stomach had begun to develop. “I don’t believe this shit,” I said. My mouth hung open.

“You betta close your mouth for Xavier come and put something in it.” She laughed.

“Maybe that’s what I want. Feel it all in the back of my throat.” I said. She laughed. “No but for real, when did this happen?”

“Around October,” she confessed. “That’s one of the reasons why I blew up on you. I was supposed to have told Dez that weekend and that incident just fucked everything up.”

“You was drinkin that night,” I said.

“Yeah, water and juice. It was no alcohol in it.”

“Oh, well does he know now?”

“Yeah, I told him before Christmas break.”

“So are ya’ll back together?”

“We’re workin it out. I told him I wasn’t raising this child alone.”

“Good cause even Ray Charles can see that man is madly in love with you.” She smiled. 

“I know,” she flopped back on her bed. I did the same. 

“So, what happened to my Chrisette Michele tickets?” she laughed.

“I gave them bitches to my lil sista.” She told me. “I was mad at you and didn’t want to be anywhere near you so I gave them to her. She said the concert was good.” I rolled my eyes. 

“Well where you stayin?”

“With Desmond, I been there since we came back from break. Before that I was commuting from my Aunt’s house.” She told me. I nodded my head. I was excited that Alysia and I talked it out. There was so much that I needed to tell her and she was not going anywhere until I got it all out.

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