Chapter Eleven

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I felt someone shaking my shoulder and jerked awake. My eyes lifted to see Xavier with a mean ass mug on his face. I looked around to see a cabin surrounded by a bunch of trees. Something I really wasn’t feeling. I blinked away the last remnants of sleep before lifting my seat all the way up. People were either pulling up or unloading their car. I rubbed my hands down my face then looked at Xavier who was still looking at me. 

“What boy?” 

“You sleep like a damn rock. Lucky for you I already went in and claimed our room.” He said. I frowned.

“Fuck you mean our room?” He gave me a silly grin. I pushed him aside and marched over to Alysia who was just stepping foot out of Desmond’s truck. She stretched her arms to the sky but quickly stopped when she noticed I was coming at her angry.

“Still mad at me?” Alysia asked nervously. 

“The fuck, am I still mad? I’m livid Alysia. This shit is not in your character, you gotta start asking me shit before just jumping right into it because the next time I’m not gonna be so accommodating.” Alysia smiled and hugged my neck, “Oooh, accommodating. College has done you some good, huh?”

“I know what you’re tryna do; it’s not gonna work,”

“I don’t know what you’re talkin bout.” 

“Yeah whateva, take your dingy ass back over to your man.” We laughed and she walked around to the trunk of the car. Xavier had already taken our things in the house along with himself. There was no need for me to stand around outside cold looking stupid, so I followed his trail.  I went upstairs and searched all the rooms until I found Xavier. I spotted sitting on the bed dozing off. 

 “You not bout to miss anything, everyone still getting settled; take a nap.” He smiled and kicked off his shoes before resuming his earlier position. Ten minutes later, he was knocked out. The three hour nap had given me a lot of energy and I was restless. I noticed the 32-inch television mounted on the wall and looked around for the remote. I spotted it on the nightstand beside Xavier. Sliding further up the bed, I reached over him and grabbed it hitting the Power button. Whoever had watched television last had obviously been half deaf because the volume was all the way up. I jumped and quickly reduced it until it was almost at a whisper. I looked over and he hadn't budged. I’d just gotten comfortable when my phone started going off to Body Party. I was going to ignore it but I knew he was going to continuously text me until I answered. Marcus was the clingiest man that I’d ever dealt with and it was becoming annoying. Why didn’t I believe in love? Marcus was the prime example. Fuck me on the regular but always claiming he loved his wife. I had to tell him that I was out of state for the weekend and that I needed some time to myself for him to stop texting me.  

     An hour later I was awaken from a sleep that I hadn’t known that I had fallen into by a knock on the door. I sighed and hopped up to pull it open. Alysia stood on the other side with a smile on her face. I moved back over to the bed and sat down as she hovered over me.

“Wassup,” I asked. She looked over at a sleeping Xavier. She smiled. “No,”

“Yeah, okay…Well seeing that you the only girl I fucks with here, I’m bout to go get in the Jacuzzi; wanna join me?”

“Yeah, give me a few minutes, I’ll be down.” Thirty minutes later, I was clad in a small, two piece black bathing suit. I walked out of the bathroom to see Xavier sitting up watching some sport show. I felt his eyes burning holes through my skin. I just let him watch and drool over the curves of my frame.    

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