Chapter Eight

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“Ugh, why you just now springing this on me Alysia!” I yelled Alysia as she just told me that there would be a change in our trip to the cabins out in West Virginia for the weekend. I was already skeptical about going out to West Virginia with all the hillbillies and scenes from ‘Hills Have Eyes’ and ‘Wrong Turn’ playing in the back of my head. Now she was telling me that Xavier and Kevin would be joining us. Xavier, cool, fine and dandy. We had been hanging out over the last month so I already filled him out; but Kevin. She knew that I hated him. She had gotten an ear full a couple days ago when we I told her how he’d asked me to lunch to discuss this project he was working on. 

“Stop being unreasonable, Brook. We’re still goin to the mountains.” 

“With a whole bunch of niggas I ain’t tryna be around.”

“You ain’t never have a problem being around niggas before. What’s different now? Or should I ask, who’s the different character you have a problem with?” I rolled my eyes and flopped back on my bed. I really didn’t want to spend a whole weekend with niggas I’ve fucked and Xavier. I wasn’t in the mood for it. 

“Ok, so what if I told you I got us tickets to see Chrisette Michele for when we come back? It was supposed to be your Christmas gift, but now I gotta bribe your ass to take this trip.”  I had spent the little money that my grandma had sent me on booking the cabin for the trip. I had already known that I wasn’t going to cancel on the trip, but she didn’t know that. I smiled. 

“You get on my fuckin nerves. These niggas better not get reckless or that’s your ass.” I told her. 

“I promise you’ll be okay. What’s the move tonight?” she asked as she sat at the edge of her bed. 

“Well, I’m waiting for Xavier to hit me up, we’re supposed to be meeting up so we can get this damn project of his out the way. I’m not all that fond of him Alysia, he’s getting out of line. With that smart ass mouth, always tryna put me in my place.” I pouted. She laughed. 

“Maybe you need someone to get out of line with you. Maybe it’ll settle your wild ass down.”

“Settle down,” I scuffed. “I’ll leave that to the birds. I’m still young; I don’t need to settle just yet.” She laughed. 

“You timing up for the right one. Just sit back and watch.”

Brooklyn JamesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant