Chapter Nine

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It was our usual place; the motel that I've grown to hate. I lay on my stomach with my upper body bare naked. Marcus was sitting over me giving me a back rub with his lips. To be completely honest I just wasn't feeling it that night, at least not with him. I was making him do anything to derail us from having sex quick. There were just so many thoughts running through my mind. He was telling me about something but I wasn't paying attention until he called me name.  

"Yeah," I answered while lifting my head off the pillow a little bit. 

"You alright?" he asked, "You seem to be somewhere else right now"

"Can I ask you a question" I asked, completely ignoring his question.

"Ask me anything."

"Do you love your wife?" The moment that left my mouth his hands stopped moving on my back. I turned over exposing my bare breast making him move from off of me. It took a minute to answer. I guess he was thrown off that I would ask that. 

"Yes, I love my wife."

"So why are you here?"

"Where is this coming from?" He asked while getting completely off of the bed. 

"If love is such this good thing then there would be no need for me right? Love would be enough to keep you at home with your wife."

"No matter what happens I will always love my wife; nothing will change that."

"Then what is this?" I was more emotional than I wanted to be. Since I had begun helping Xavier with his project I started doing soul searching.

"Come on, Brooklyn you know what this is. This all got started because of you remember? Why are you getting brand new?"

"Because of me? It was you that came up with the proposition and I was stupid enough to go with it.” I stopped and shook my head. “I'm not getting brand new Marcus, that’s you getting clingy and shit; I’m just trying to figure this whole thing out."

"Figure what out?” I took a deep breath.

“The shit we got goin on. You screamin you love your wife, but saying you can’t go without seeing me." He placed his hand at the bottom of my face, 

"You sure you okay?"

"Can we just not do this tonight, please?" He nodded in agreement. I must have killed his mood because he never takes me wanting to change our plans lightly. We both gathered all our belongings. I slipped my shirt back on and we left. Unlike the other times he actually drove me home.

Brooklyn JamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora