Yuta • Hello Teacher (part 2)

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The week could have not gone any slower! But the free singed album did blow off the never ending days. But, finally the day did come! You got up 2 hours before your alarm to make sure you look like a goddess. And you did!;) Although you where kinda bummed that Johnny, Mark,and jaehyun weren't gonna join you but you got a whole Haechan to be the class clown for you. And the thought of that just made you start to giggle. That you burst out into laughter on the buss that made people turn their gaze to you. You where to busy day dreaming you forgot you weren't alone

"I'm sorry" you say in korean and smile when the buss came to a stop.

Sure you could have taken a free car ride but you really enjoy the buss more. You kinda do regret it though cause it's a bit of a walk and the heels you were wearing did not help you with that long walk. And if things could not get worse you were sweating some of your makeup up off. You tell yourself maybe instead of eating all that junk food and watching YouTube of the boys could have been replaced with some crunches. You go in circles as the stress and reality hit you. And it was too late cause you were right in front of the door.

You open the heavy door. It took you a few try's but you open it and kinda stumble. And if things could not get worse for you the boys beat you to your own class.

"Good morning teacher" they all say with excitement and bow to you.

You stutter to get your words as once's again your meetings with them were just bad timing. But no the less you get the words out and pick up your head and head to the front.

"As your English teacher please do not feel like you have to get up when you greet me and bow to me. I understand that's part of your culture but with in speaking another language you will also learn the customs. As you would with other languages. Understood."

Still standing they all say "Understood Teacher"

You set your stuff down and there still standing. "Please sit down guys. And call me by my last name. I'm sorry I'm late I took the wrong buss" you lied

"Wasn't there supposed to be a car that was supposed to pick you up?" Jungwoo asked in korean. as he leaned in to his desk.

"Yes there was supposed to be one but I prefer the buss. Also Jungwoo I understand that you are learning English but if you will speak to me it will be in English. Unless you can't what so ever then speak to me in English.

"Ok. Sorry" Jungwoo says as he sinks in his seat
"Ok!" You clap your hands and go in front of the classroom. In korean "Good morning class! Before we start I would like to explain to you guys how my class works. I do not tolerate excuses. Now with you guys I can make an exception but, if one of you is able to do the work and the rest aren't that will not cut it for me . I will be very strict because I like order and consistency. But please do not let this intimidate you. (In English) Are there any questions?"

You look at the boys as they look at each other and nod there heads no.

"Ok perfect! Today we will learn about"
(you write the word)
You write the word on the white bored and ask if anyone knows what it is. They nod no.

" Better yet before we start. Can hmmm let's see Taeil pronounce this word for me"

"Umm.. I'm not sure person- fiction" he says in a cute accent.

"That was not bad close. Would anyone else like to try? Come on don't be shy."

"Personification" A voice in the classroom said

"Yes that's right? Who said that?"

Yuta races his hands and does a shy smile.

"Wow great job. That's not an easy word to say. You get a point on your quiz that will have at the end of class"

The rest of the boys groan.

"Hey hey. Don't worry this won't go on your permit record. I just want to see how fast you retain information. Ok does anyone want to tell me what it means?"

"How a person talks" Doyoung says with hesitation

"No. Not quite. Any one else? No?.. Ok personification is 'a person, animal, or object regarded as representing or embodying a quality, concept, or thing" so to simplify that is to say giving none human things such as plants animals human characters"

You look around and the boys are still lost.

"If I where to say 'the flowers dance in the evening breeze' did they actually dance and do a whole choreography?"

The class "No?" They all sounded hesitation

You chuckle and continue to explain "You guys it's ok your learning. In my classroom be confident with your work and answers even if there bad or wrong. In learning new things you are bound to make many mistakes. Do not let that be a discourage from being wrong. Do not let it be an excuse to give up because you don't like to be wrong. So you guys are correct. Personification is used more with writers in a story's or in film when an animal talks and has emotions. Ok wow would you look at the time. Ok please put your phones away quiz time.

"Or...we can go!" Haechan jokes

And usually those types of remarks would tic you off but coming from fullsun was just the cherry top on your bad start.

"Or you can continue to be quiet while Mark,Jaehyun, Johnny talk for you? Hmm didn't think so. Taeyong would you please pass this out?"

Taeyong gets up and passes the paper. After 10 minutes they all give you there quiz.

"Wow you guys finished faster than I thought you would. I'll grade these and I'll tell you guys when you come back later tonight. Have a good day you're dismissed."

The boys say thank you and walk out. You go to your desk and get out your red pen to grade. Looking down you grade there work.

"Is there something I can do for you Yuta" you say without looking up.

"I kinda still don't understand" he said in Korean

"Yuta as long as you are in my room you will speak to me in English" you said setting taeils test to the side and look up "I don't understand" he said fiddling with his hands

"That's better. Ok I'll grade your test right now and I'll see what you did wrong and right. Ok?"

He nods and you go and find his paper.
You finished grading and grab his test and take it to him.
You put the paper with a 98% and take a seat next to him
"Yuta! Congratulations so far you have the highest score. You don't need my help. I'm sorry if I came off too strong to make you feel nervous."

Yuta looks at his test and at the widow in the opposite direction from you.

"Is there something wrong" you say as you put your hand on his shoulder

"No. I'm just surprised" he says but in a sad tone

"Oh don't be I know you've spent a small time in Phoenix maybe you picked up more English than you thought." You say as you get up from the seat to go back to your desk.

"I guess.... how long will you be here?" He said getting up to get closer to you.

Sitting down and feeling intimidated with the fact your alone in a room with your biggest bias wrecker you get nervous.

"Wwhy are you Umm are you... bored?" You say trying not to make eye contact with him

He leans in to your desk and puts his hands down down.

"No, just wondering when I can make me move." He said tilting his head and does a smirk

You accidentally say "Oh my...your face is so beautiful."

"Maybe I don't have to wait till your done." He says leaning closer to your face.

(To get continued)

(SHES really dragging it out LMAOOO hope you guys are enjoying her story make sure to follow her!)

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