Jungwoo • Skype

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"There's my pretty baby" Jungwoo says in perfect English making you smile proudly

"Hi baby I miss you so much" you frown as you see him lay down phone in hand

"I miss you more the guys get to see their girlfriends except Mark, Haechan, Jaehyun, Taeyong and I. It's unfair" Jungwoo pouts

You laugh "well I can tell you us girls miss you guys a lot the other day Sophia texted me about mark and Natalie about haechan" you see Jungwoo smile "Katie and Eva havent said anything to me"

"Classic Kathryn and evageline" Jungwoo says making you burst out laughing

So you decide to have your fun with him "Okay mr. put your hands in the aiiirr" you say cutely like the video of him

"ahhhh" he screams throwing his phone down and you hear him cringing "yah not fair" he laughs

"ASAP" you scream making him lose his shit as he starts laughing

"Mark made me say that" he giggles

"I want you Taeyong Hyung hmmm"

"Yah too far" Jungwoo says seriously

"Mark oppa" you blink innocently

"I said too far y/n" Jungwoo snaps at you

"Sorry i was just kidding" you say when you see him visibly upset. "What's wrong"

He didn't answer.

"Jungwoo" you say

He stil didn't answer

"Kim Jungwoo! Answer me please" you say.

He stayed silent.

"Fine call me when you wanna talk" you hang up and throw your phone across the room and head to your bathroom where you cool off by a bath and talk to yourself.

*35 min later*

You come back to your phone and not a single notification from Jungwoo... you sigh and decide to text Doyoung to see if he's actually busy or mad at you

You: doyoungie!

D: yes ma'am"

You: is Jungwoo mad at me?

D: uhhh no were actually in a interview right now but I snuck my phone in because I'm
Bored hehe

You: oh okay thanks

D: is everything okay? You know you can talk to me

You: yes I know it's just a rough patch

D: you Wanna talk about it?

You: yes please

D: go on then

You explained the whole situation to Doyoung and he told you Mark had recently made a remark to Jungwoo that really hit him and made him very upset and sensitive. It got so bad mark and Jungwoo have to be separated at the moment.

You sat on your bed in shock... Mark? Mark lee? The baby who never yells said something harmful to Jungwoo? He loves Jungwoo? I wonder if him and Soph are fighting...

I look at my phone and thank Doyoung and decide I'll call Sophie she'll probably wanna talk anyway she is my best friend after all.

I press her contact and hit FaceTime.

"Please answer"

"Hey babycakes" her smile greets me

(To be continued)

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