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The birds began whistling and chirping at the windowsill of Sophia's bedroom. She was immediately awoken and began pandiculating as she erected herself from the bed. As she made her way out of the bedroom and down the stairs, there was a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy head!" Josie said.

"Morning early bird!" replied Sophia.

"What's for breakfast?" asked Sophia.

"Waffles, syrup, French toast, egg, sausage, and ham!" replied Josie.

"Damn girl! Who gave you the best dick in yo life last night?" asked Sophia.

"No one! Can't I just make a nice breakfast for a friend I haven't seen in ages?" replied Josie.

"I suppose! I'm sorry! I'm just not used to this type of treatment from a woman that's all!" explained Sophie.

"Apology accepted! Now sit and eat! There's orange juice in the refrigerator, pour me a glass after you do yourself!" instructed Josie.

As they sat at the table to eat, Josie opens the newspaper and begins to read. Sophia continued eating and began looking out the window. Lost in her thoughts, Sophia totally zoned out. Josie noticed the sudden silence and shifted the newspaper from in front of her face.

"Hey, Sophia! Finish up quickly, I have a surprise for you!" she said.

Confused but intrigued, Sophia began eating again until her plate was clean and her glass was empty.

"Done! Now what's the surprise?" she asked.

"Go freshen up and dress in something that suits the weather!" explained Josie while she moved the newspaper from her face, folded it and began eating her breakfast.

Like an anxious child, Sophia ran upstairs to organize. Josie shook her head and smiled to herself for whatever reason as she took a bite of her French toast. It took Sophia half an hour to get ready and by that time, Josie had already finished eating and washing the dishes.

Any longer and she would have started cleaning a portion of the house. Once Sophia returned downstairs, they both got into the car and left for town. Sophia, still with the childish grin on her face stared at Josie.

"What is up with your face?" Josie asked while she giggled at Sophia.

"Nothing! Just excited, that's all!" replied Sophia.

"Well you can be excited and fix that look though!" said Josie.

They both giggled girlishly as they continued into town. A few minutes later, they stopped at a store and Sophia was most confused. Josie looked at her and smiled.

"What are we doing here Josie?" asked Sophia.

"We're going shopping!" replied Josie.

Excitedly, Sophia clapped her hands and got out of the car. They both entered the store and Sophia went wild. She was like a child that had gotten loose in a toy store. She picked up some jeans, skirts, and tops, also trying on a bunch of other stuff.

The security at the store occasionally looked at Sophia and smiled to himself. Maybe because of her childish running around, or maybe it was because he was interested. Whatever it was, his day was made. Sophia and Josie spent almost four hours in Sleek and Sexy Women before they retired for lunch.

They made their way to Brian's Bad Boy Burgers and Fries and ordered the Flaming Texas Style Bad Boy burger and fries along with the large fruit punch juice to wash it all down. Sophia couldn't wait to eat, as she was famished after all that shopping.

"You feeling a bit better now?" asked Josie.

"A bit so! Thank you for everything thus far Jose!" replied Sophia.

Josie was glad she could help out a friend in need, especially since she hadn't seen her in a while.

"So what's next?" asked Sophia.

Josie thought for a while, during her meal and as hm she had finished, she looked at Sophia and smiled.

"What's the matter?" asked Sophia.

"I just thought of what's next!" replied Josie.

This made Sophia a bit excited, but also a bit worried as she had never seen Josie so excited before. She was always the goofy one and Josie, the mature one. Maybe because they were a few years apart, but a great pair of friends nevertheless.

Sophia felt a sense of euphoria and it was one of which she needed for a while now. Once they had finished eating, Josie relaxed a bit before trying to move. Once she had felt like she needed to sleep, she forced herself up and away from the table.

Sophia waited for Josie to erect herself a bit impatiently for a while now, but felt she would be annoying and out of place if she had done so. Once they were up, Josie began clearing the table and Sophia did the same. They threw their garbage before leaving the restaurant and as they made their way to the vehicle, they were approached by a homeless man.

"Ladies! Can you spare me some change?" asked the homeless man.

Josie gave him five dollars and continued on her way to the vehicle. She switched on the ignition and drove off, Sophia in the front seat buckled in and ready for the next venue. For the next location, Sophie noticed, they were going out of town.

"You're not carrying me to kill me right?" asked Sophia.

"What?... Of course not!" Josie responded.

"Phew!... Just making sure!" stated Sophia.

Josie, from that point on, started to feel a bit sorry for Sophie. It's like she's been through a lot that she thinks someone would one day kill her or get even with her for something. Sophia wasn't smiling like a child anymore, but the more serious and worried facial expression was stained.

"Almost there!" said Josie.

Sophia looked around, but couldn't see anything besides the wide-open road. She was confused, but a bit excited to see where Josie was taking her.

"Jose! Have I done anything to hurt you?" asked Sophia.

"No soph! Why do you think that?" asked Josie.

"Because I want to apologize to anyone from my past that I've wronged!" replied Sophia.

"Then you have nothing to worry about with me!" said Josie.

Transcript For Courting- Book 2: DiscontentedWhere stories live. Discover now