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Sophia was a bit disoriented after the incident, so she lay on her bed for a bit. Scrolling through her phonebook, she came up upon an old friend's name, so she decided to call—although she doubted the number still worked.

To her surprise, it rang and she could feel a bit of anxiety coming on.

"Hello?" the voice on the other end answered.

"Hey girl, it's Sophia from school!" she said.

"Yeah, I remember! How's life girl?" the voice asked.

"Could be better, but who's complaining!" said Sophia.

"I heard that!" the voice replied.

"Listen! I know it's been a while, but can I come by? I need to get away for a while and I don't know who else to call!" Sophia explained.

"Yeah, no problem! I live at the same address!" the voice replied.

After she hung up, Sophia began to pack a suitcase of her essentials and make her way to the bathroom to take a quick shower before leaving.

Sophia made an hour drive in twenty minutes and once she had almost made it to her friend's place, she had another bit of anxiety. It was so long she hadn't seen her friend and now was the moment she would be around her a lot more than she'd thought. As she pulled herself together, she slowly drove into the driveway and parked behind the car that was already there.

As she got out of the vehicle, the door was unlocked and Josie came out to welcome her.

"Hey, girl! You made it!" Josie said as she ran up to Sophia and embraced her.

"Yeah, I remembered that address!" replied Sophia.

"You look stressed! Come inside let's talk about it!" said Josie.

As Josie helped Sophia with her suitcase, they made it inside and Sophia locked the door behind her. Josie gave Sophia a quick tour of the place and also showed her the room in which she would be staying in for her duration there.

A cozy room that was well put together and felt as if you hadn't even left home. Thick sheets and a firm mattress for maximum comfort, Sophia may never leave this bed once she lay herself down.

Josie left Sophia for a while, so she can settle herself a bit. Sophia sat on the bed and took some deep breaths before mustling up the willpower to unpack her suitcase. Once she had physically managed to put her stuff away, Josie had lightly knocked on the door of her room to see if she was doing okay.

"I'll be out in a second chick!" she replied.

"Don't be too long! I got chilled wine!" Josie replied.

Sophia took another two breaths to settle herself before leaving the comfort of the guest room. She made her way downstairs to the living room where Josie was awaiting her arrival with the chilled wine.

"It's not often I get distinguished guests such as you!" said Josie.

"You should stop! You're gonna make me blush!" replied Sophia.

"... So... What brings you to town?" asked Josie.

"I just needed a break from it all! It was starting to suffocate me!" Sophia explained.

"Work, life or men?" asked Josie.

"All of the above, but men, omg!" replied Sophia.

Josie appeared to be intereagued in hearing Sophia's story since she'd never seen her so distraught. Always a caring, happy person in school, so when someone like this gets out of character, you tend to worry.

Sophia began to tell Josie of her life and what she has been through with the things that bothered her the most—men. Work and life were challenging on their own, but men were the most difficult thing in this life. That was one of the main reasons Sophia had never gotten married or kept a relationship for longer than a year.

Michael had nearly gotten through her brick wall, but he messed up at the last minute. Now Sophia's brick wall is reinforced with steel and barbed wire, so in the event that she does meet a man—which we all know she would, she'd just be with him for the sexual fantasies and nothing more.

Josie was surprised at the stories Sophia told and she'd never imagined her friend this wrapped up and complicated. Josie wasn't in any relationships at this time, but at work, there's this worker that always manages to trouble her one way or another.

Josie was divorced, but to her associates, they still believed that she was married and she left it this way. Josie was uninterested in any man right now, so she used this time to try and accompany Josie on this journey of hers.

Hopefully, together they can find common ground or help Sophia settle herself. As they say, 'You must love yourself first before you can love someone else.' Josie and Sophia continued speaking for a while, catching up on each other and during this time, they were making progress in destressing Sophia.

Laughter and a lot of chatter was the result of the chilled wine. Sophia was all out of edibles, so the wine would just have to do. The edibles helped her numb her emotions, to some extent, suppress it, but the wine gave the opportunity to gradually release what she felt inside to a positive extent around Josie.

Its been a while since Sophia had found herself having this much fun around anyone. It was a wise decision to call Josie and she'd just realized and admitted it to her.

"I'll always be your friend Soph!" Josie assured her.

"I thank you in advance for not giving up on me!" replied Sophie.

They poured another glass of wine, but this time half-filled and continued getting in their feelings with each other. An almost ancient ritual to which women of all color share in common. By tomorrow, Sophia should feel a lot better and once she does, she'll have the opportunity to go with Josie to run some errands and maybe even some simple shopping which always calms Josie.

Transcript For Courting- Book 2: DiscontentedWhere stories live. Discover now