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Morning dew saw Sophia getting home, but the sun didn't have a clue. Sophia slept in her bed for several hours, before she forced herself up to eat something. She picked up her phone and saw thirty-six missed calls and several messages from Wesley, so she did what she always does when they get like this.

Blocked, deleted and out of memory he went. Another part of her experience taught her to stay low for a while to avoid any public confrontation from bitter exes. Her methods weren't humanly healthy, but ever since childhood, she hated the pressure of confrontation—maybe from years of seeing her parents arguing and fighting.

She didn't have any time to waste on petty arguments and explanations, so she did what she felt was the best thing to avoid it altogether—leave! She would gain enemies indefinitely, but it was better than committing to casual sex with someone she felt nothing for.

Sophia spent her morning doing yoga and meditating, cleansing herself from the toxins of life and drinking kale infused water to relax her spirit. Today was going to be another day in the world of predators and easily manipulated men and her next mister should be better than her last.

Fitted with her skin tight sweats and breathable sneakers, she stretched in her living room before leaving the house for a jog along the trails. Sophia lived in the country, so the clean air helped her relaxation exercise thrive. She had never revealed her residence to anyone, and if it came up in a conversation, she'd say she was living with her parents to avoid revealing it altogether.

Along the trails, she met another woman who, by some means kept her pace providing the visual representation of herself—meaning the age she's assumed to be. A brunette—by some stretch, hints of greys in between the flat color of her hair. Presumed to be around late forties early fifties, Sophia passed her on her jog and while glimpsing at her through the side of her eyes, noticed the expression on her face was that of a woman who had been through a lot.

Never getting involved in people's personal lives was rule number one in her unwritten rule book. Since she doesn't like anyone in her personal life, she refrains from contributing to the lives of others—unless interested. Then before you know it, she's gone again without a trace.

That's why she loved the countryside. No hassle, no surprise appearances and definitely some distance between anyone she had ever or is ever going to sleep with. Instead of intervening in the woman's life, she jogged further ahead of her in order to avoid any sort of speech initiation.

Further on the trail, Sophia stopped for a brief second in order to catch her breath. The wind blew a cool refreshing breath, to which she closed her eyes and embraced every moment of it. By the time she opened her eyes, she saw the woman again. Struggling to make it to the shaded area, she nearly fainted on her arrival, but Sophia was ready to get up and leave before she collapsed.

Thankfully, she didn't, but instead sat next to Sophia breathless and covered with sweat. Closer observation saw the woman's left leg twisted—probably from a fall or otherwise, but she didn't appear injured before as she jogged in proper form. Sophia erected her stature and from the moment, she was about to take off, a cry for help was heard.

"Please call the ambulance!" she said, still panting heavily from her jog.

Shaking her head in approval, she did just that before taking off once more. She hadn't waited for a thank you or any type of gratuity from the woman and she could have cared less about her name since she didn't want to get involved in any unnecessary situations today.

Sophia continued on the trail till the end, atop the nearby hill. From here, She noticed the woman laying on the shaded grass appearing lifeless, but she couldn't be sure, due to the distance she'd been standing. She then decided to go against her per-usual standards and return to the aid of the woman.

By this time, the ambulance had just arrived on the scene almost simultaneously. They checked her pulse and found her alive, but barely. Turning to Sophia, the medic with the light brown eyes asked, "Madam, do you know this woman?" to which she replied, "Yes I do! We met just today!" She was then allowed to ride in the ambulance with them to the hospital while they aided the woman with respiratory devices.

Sophia had to assist the medics in attending to the patient, by holding her hand and speaking to her on the way to the hospital. When they got there, she was rushed to the ward where she would be able to get better attention for her sudden collapse.

Once the woman was medically at rest, Sophia used this time to get acquainted with the brown-eyed medic. She walked up and hugged him, thanking him for the speedy delivery of her friend. It was fraudulent, but posing as the woman's friend served as an opening for conversation and hopefully, with a few savory words, she'd spark his interest.

A bit quick on the rebound, but a girl has got to survive in this world one way or another, especially a sexually deprived woman such as herself. It's not so much the fact that she thinks she's sexually deprived of sorts, but the fact that she needs sex every four to six hours of the day or be cranky and irrational until she's serviced, says a lot about Sophia.

She also doesn't look at it as a problem, so with her outlook on her condition, she wasn't about to change anytime soon. The medic smelt good and he was muscular, so she left her number with him and he did the same by leaving his.

Transcript For Courting- Book 2: DiscontentedWhere stories live. Discover now