Chapter VI: Informing Kakashi

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When I arrived they looked at me weirdly and I just smiled, deciding not to say anything and just wait for Kakashi with them. Sakura and Naruto asked me why I was there for a while, before just giving up and sitting, complaining about Kakashi's lateness. Apparently it was quite a common happening, so now I understood the reason for Hiruzen to warn me not to hurry. It was another hour before Kakashi finally came this direction.

When he did arrive Naruto and Sakura yelled/screeched, "You're late again!" Simultaneously.

He just scratched the back of his neck and said, "Sorry, I got lost on the road of life."

It was a terrible excuse, but I found it quite funny. Funny enough that I started laughing, the four gave me a weird look so I calmed down and stood.

I walked to stand next to Kakashi and introduced myself once again, "My name is Azami. My likes are messing with people, dango, and hunting. My dislikes are Danzo, vegetables, and most Uchiha. My hobbies are training, hunting, and messing with people. My dream is to punch a certain someone in the face. I'm going to be Kakashi's assistant for a while, I'll be both training with and training you."

Naruto looked confused, Sasuke was being indifferent about it, and Sakura was curious.

She asked, "But aren't you around our age? And what rank are you? Also, why are you even joining us?"

"I'm thirteen, so yes, I am just a little older than you all. And I'm a genin, but I'm going to be taking the upcoming chunin exams. Hiruzen, Kakashi, and I decided it would be a good idea for me to get used to working with teams, as I haven't before. So I'm going to train with you all for a few weeks to get that experience."

She seemed to accept that answer so Kakashi started up the training, he decided to have me help Sakura while he worked with the boys. Me and Sakura went off to the side and I watched as she walked, observing everything I could, taking it in. She needs to eat properly and train more, or like, at all, she's almost unhealthily skinny and has barely any muscle. She definitely doesn't know any jutsu above the Academy three, so we'll need to work on that.

"Alright, stop." I called suddenly.

She stopped walking and turned to look at me, waiting for me to elaborate.

"First, we need to get up your stamina. Start running."


"Run along the clearing twenty times, I'll match your pace. I'm also going to time you, you'll see why tomorrow. Now go." She groaned and started off at a very slow run.

I ran right next to her with ease, and seven minutes fifty-two seconds later we were finished. She was breathing hard, while I had barely broken a sweat. Next I did twenty pushups, situps, squats, and pullups with her, going the same pace as her the whole time. She complained a lot, saying she'd lose the beautiful body she had been keeping for Sasuke. I would just tell her that he'd be much more interested if she were stronger, and that motivated her quite well.

Finally I decided to teach her some medical jutsu so she'd be more useful, the boys would serve as fighters and she'd be their medic. It all worked out, she just needed to actually train like I'm making her, I'll also give her a meal plan so that she doesn't starve herself anymore. She was actually getting the medical ninjutsu pretty quickly because of her chakra control. I would have to get Kakashi to teach her genjutsu for a couple days, and I'd take over the boys training while he was busy.

"Sakura, take a break. You're doing really well and it's only the first day, you deserve it." I told her.

She nodded and wiped the sweat from her forehead, sitting on the ground. I told her that she could do whatever she wanted for the rest of the day, although I said she should train some more so that she could be more useful and less useless. I know it was blunt, but it's what she needs to hear. I stepped off to the side and did the same training as Sakura, just much harder. After a few minutes I checked on Sakura and found her training with weapons, she was doing good. If she kept it up she'd be quite the shinobi in the future.

I went back to training on my own. About an hour later Kakashi called us all over, in order to talk about the plan tomorrow.

"I think we should keep it like this for the rest of the week and then on Fridays have them join together and practice as a team. That way they can compare eachothers growth, and also have weekends off to do what they want." I spoke up.

"Yes, I agree. We could also switch who we'll be training every week, that way they can experience both our training styles and what we specialize in respectively." Then he turned to the others and said, "Tomorrow, same place, same time. You heard what we said, that's the plan so get used to it. I recommend actually taking breaks on weekends, you'll get stronger if you give your body rest."

They nodded and Kakashi shunshined away, them walking away soon after. I left as well and once I was in my tree I took my now dry clothes from the branch and folded them beside my bed. I then took off my shoes, gloves, hitae-ate, and put my hair into a loose braid. I quickly ate dinner and then headed to sleep for the night.

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