Littlecloud (Minecraft RP Version)

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Is it a Mary Sue?
Littlecloud (Minecraft RP Version)

Name: Littlecloud
Age: 15
What Series it's From: Minecraft
Looks: Long blonde hair with bright blue eyes. She has a white hoodie with a cloud on the back, jeans, and white sneakers.
Personality: Doesn't want to hurt people's feelings but can be stubborn, although usually just adventurous and kind.
Important Backstory: She made a house when she was 7 and has been living in it ever since. She has grown to have a love for farming and spends most of her time just tending to her crops. She met Ender when she was chopping down trees for her house and quickly befriended him. She sometimes goes on the Internet and has found many things through it.
Likes: Farming, Ender, peace, Enderlox/deadlox, Bodil666/Bodil40, and Yotubers in general.
Dislikes: Killing, being mean, revenge stuff, and death.
Parents: ?
Siblings: None.
Strengths: Can farm really well and knows how to sword fight.
Weaknesses: Can get scared and sometimes forgets things.

So yeah. The reason I put Minecraft RP version is because I have so many versions of her. I won't put all of them in this book though! I few things I would like to mention is one, why I put Enderlox/deadlox and Bodil666/Bodil40 is because Moonlighthowls' (author's) head cannon is that normal Youtubers are just Evil Youtubers in disguise. But they aren't evil! It's kind of confusing to explain so if you want to read through the RP so far, just check it out. It's really good! 😄 Anyway, can you guys tell me if this is a Mary Sue or not? Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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