"I'm hungry, "Jimin stood up holding an arm in front of him, reaching down so Jungkook could grab it, "wanna join me?" His smiled went right into Jungkook's heart, and what could he do other than say yes?

Jungkook couldn't really describe the tingling feeling he got in his stomach whenever Jimin wanted to do things with him, even after living together for so many years, doing things with Jimin alone still made his legs weak and wobbly.

So Jungkook placed his hand in Jimin's and pulled himself up, he laid the piece of paper on a desk inside the room.

Before they left Jimin grabbed a towel to dry himself with.

"Wait I'll just change my shirt," Jimin bent down to zip up his sports bag, he grabbed another T-shirt and quickly pulled the one he was wearing over his head and down his arms.

Seeing Jimin half naked wasn't really anything new, he was almost used to it like with all the other members. But he still felt weirdly attracted to him.

Everything about his body was pleasant in Jungkook's eyes, even though he had a picky nose the scent of Jimin's sweat didn't seem to push him away. No, it only made the attraction way intenser.

All Jungkook wanted was to put his hands on Jimin's little body, hold him close and just kiss him. He wanted to know how it would feel to kiss Jimin, someone as perfect as Jimin. His imagination was taking him too far away, Jungkook knew that but he couldn't stop himself, couldn't control his hormones. He was a young guy, what was he supposed to do?

"What are you doing?" Jimin chuckled as he saw how Jungkook had completely zoned out, standing completely still as he just stared at what seemed to be Jimin's left foot, "Jungkook?" He said when Jungkook  didn't respond to his previous question.

When Jungkook noticed that he had been talking to him he immediately looked him in the eyes, "oh, sorry," his voice sounded apologetic and his big eyes made Jimin break into a smile once again.

"Why are you so quiet," Jimin smiled giving Jungkook a playful slap on his chest.

Jimin was still shirtless.

"I don't know," Jungkook shyly smiled and then a low giggle escaped his mouth.

"You're so cute when you laugh," Jimin chuckled again as he shook his head lightly, grabbing a new shirt and put it on.

Jungkook felt his heart beat just a bit faster, Jimin said things like that almost all the time, but it still effected him. It still made his heart increase its pace.

Jungkook never knew how he should take the compliments Jimin gave him daily, how he should respond, or what they meant. Was he just trying to be nice towards Jungkook?

Jimin began walking towards the door when Jungkook didn't respond.

"Are you coming?" Jimin looked behind himself, and as soon as he did that Jungkook jogged up to him.

Jungkook always made sure to keep a certain distance between him and Jimin, of course it was hard sometimes, it was Jimin after all.

But when they weren't being recorded he took his own rules way more serious, because he knew he wouldn't be doing anything stupid in front of a camera, because that could end up ruining everything, his career, his friendship with Jimin, his reputation, his everything. And all his years of training and achieving would be particularly wasted.

But when they weren't being filmed, it was more dangerous. No one would know, only himself and Jimin of course. No one from the outside world was able to judge him.

"I'm literally starving, aren't you? When did you last eat?" Jimin questioned as they walked with each other out of the dance studio together.

"Hm, when I had breakfast before we got here," he quietly said looking down at Jimin's lonely hand.

"Thats over 6 hours ago, why haven't you eaten anything?"

Because I wanted to watch you dance.

"I don't know, I just haven't really been hungry,"

In fact, Jungkook was starving as well, he just didn't want to worry Jimin about that, or get all the attention on himself.


Jimin put his hand over his mouth as he laughed happily at what Jungkook had just said. Jimin found everything Jungkook said funny, he could literally say anything and Jimin would laugh. And that made Jungkook so flustered, his apple cheeks would heat tremendously up which resulted in him blushing madly.

Jungkook used all his power to hold his laugh in, to stop smiling like an idiot and just eat like a normal person would do. He should stop this.

But Jungkook eventually let in and he began laughing along with Jimin, their laughs got synchronised and that made both of them laugh even more.

Jimin's eyes even welled up with tears from joy that he had to wipe away.

None of them really knew what was so hilarious, it just was. Both of them just seemed to be so happy around each other.


I've been quite anxious about posting this story since I really want everything to seem as natural as possible.

But thank you for reading the first chapter. It means a lot to me😔❤️

oppressed feelings | jikookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon